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The Spike or Victoria College Review 1936


page 52


Black, Flora Christie 1909 (Linwood) 17 November, 1911
Brockett, Archibald Geoffrey 1909-10-11-12-13 (Great War) 15 July, 1916
Castle, Arthur Penfold 1909-10-11-12 (Great War) 15 September, 1916
Climie, Mary Elizabeth 1909 (Napier) 21 September, 1926
Cook, Ethel Harriet 1909-10 and 1913 (Palmerston N.) 21 Nov., 1923
Goudie, William Wigzell 1909 (Wellington) 25 January, 1934
Hall, Lionel William Baird 1909-10-11-12 (Great War) 12 June, 1917
Hall, Vincent John Baird 1909-10-11-12-13 (Great War) 2 June, 1915
Hayes, Ellen Vera 1909 (Mrs. Player) (Wellington) 15 April, 1933
Henderson, Douglas Dalrymple 1909-10 (Hawera) 22 October, 1922
Houghton, Kathleen Mary Lawrance 1909-10-11-12 (Mrs. G. H. Nicholls) (Te Aroha) 27 Deoember, 1925
Jordan, Hedley Vickers 1909-10 (Wellington) 11 April, 1910
Larking, Frank Campbell 1909-10 (Great War) 4 November, 1918
Lee, Percy David 1909 (Great War) 30 March, 1918
Marsden, Joseph Stanley 1909-10-11-12-13-14 (Great War) 4 October, 1917
McCartney, Malcolm 1909-10-11-12-13-14-15 (Great War) 14 July, 1916
Mills, John Edmund 1909-10-11-12 (Great War) 29 April, 1915
Nicholls, Marjory Lydia 1909-10-11-12-13 (Mrs. John Hannah) (Wellington) 1 October, 1930
Phillips, Chales Ernest 1909-10 (Great War) 27 April, 1915
Reyling, Kathloen Ruby 1909-10-11-12-13 (Wellington) 30 November, 1918
Saxon, John Buller Hicks von Tunzlemann 1909-12-13 (Great War) 17 September, 1916
Simkin, Doris Muriel 1909 (Wellington) 7 March, 1923
Stitt, Lilian Mary 1909 (Wellington) 20 June, 1913
Tobin, Charles Edward O'Hara 1909 (Masterton) 20 March, 1921
Wardrop, Charles Lawrence 1909-11-13 (Great War) 12 October, 1917