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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 3.

Football Club — Dissatisfaction Among Members

Football Club

Dissatisfaction Among Members.

The annual general meeting of the V.U.C. Football Club, after a few brief opening remarks by Professor Boyd-Wilson, plunged into, lively discussion. Mr. Redwood set the ball rolling by commenting that the Seniors had a poor season I last year, and suggesting that a better effort should be made to field the best possible first fifteen. Mr. Blacker then spoke and admitted responsibility for the seniors not being at their best strength. He thought that he had acted in the best interests of club members by leaving the junior teams undisturbed while they were being successful in their grade, rather than make both junior and senior teams mediocre. However, it was decidedly the feeling of the meeting that if the club hoped to sustain a good morale and to retain the services of several better grade players, the first fifteen must always consist of the best in the club, and that no player of quality good enough for the first fifteen should be passed over for others of inferior talent.

A Memorial Shield is to be presented for use by the Rugby Union in honour of Jack Ruru and Lindsay Watson, two members who died through injuries sustained on the football field.

The Good Memorial Medal for the most improved Fourth Grade forward was presented to Mr. R. T. Shannon.

Mr. J. D. Mackay was elected to life membership.

An appreciation of the services of Mr. Martin Smith was placed on record.

Officers for the season were elected as follows:—Club Captain, Mr. Alex O'Shea; Deputy Club Captain, Mr. E. Blacker; Secretary, Mr. L. O Desborough; Treasurer, Mr. S. G Eade; Teams Officer, Mr. M. J. Mason; Committee, Messrs. Broad, Black, Burke, and B. C. Campbell.