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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 4.

In Retrospect

In Retrospect.

Glancing back over the annals of past years we find that the only time that Victoria has held the Tournament Shield was in 1929, when the College won the Boxing Shield, the Athletic Shield, and the Relay Cup. In Athletics we have been, perhaps, the most successful, having held the Shield ten times in thirty-four years, during which time we have secured, and still hold, six track records. The Boxing Shield has fallen to us four times in sixteen years; but in tennis, swimming, shooting, basketball, and rowing, our successes have been few and far between, except for a solitary record in swimming. One memento of Tournament which has rested persistently in the "Pot" case for the last three years, is the Wooden Spoon. But who knows—after Easter we may be able to say, "Oh yes! We had the Wooden Spoon for three years."