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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 4.

Basketball Hopes — Short Pars on Players

Basketball Hopes

Short Pars on Players.

Stella Phillips.—Captain —good, reliable player—best on defence.

Marion Bell.—Intercepts well—good defender; enthusiastic.

Nora McLaren.—Stalwart player—steady passer—always "on the spot."

Nancy Bullen.—Good on defence opportunist.

Janet Granger.—Field work brilliant.

Sylvia Hefford.—Last year's fresher makes good.

Joy Osborn.—Has a big advantage—height.

Eric Overton.—Good interceptor—versatile—brilliant defence.

R. Drummond.—Stalwart player.

Sheila Eraser and Jane Withers (Emergencies).— Reliable.

Prospects.—Look bright—team full of beans—should make three points in Shield—well up to previous Tournament standard—"Smad" confident.