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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 4.

Our Dramatic Club

Our Dramatic Club

"Smad" was very pleased to see such an excellent crowd in the Gym. last Friday night for the opening performance of the Dramatic Club. From their appreciation it was obvious that no one was disappointed. It was a good programme of well-chosen plays interpreted in a manner which was well up to the high standards of the Club.

The Dramatic Club is one of the few artistic clubs up here and it merits the support of everyone. One looks to a University to appreciate and encourage art of every kind. At the moment, the Dramatic Club is presenting artistic productions that are comparable with any, at least in this City.

It was interesting to compare the efforts of the Repertory Society recently with those of our own Club. That such a comparison is possible is a credit to Varsity, but, we are of the opinion that the comparison favoured the Dramatic Club. "Wurzel Flummery" was a dramatic achievement that had a polish and artistry such as we have not had the pleasure of seaing in Wellington for some time.

We wish the Club many more similar successes and hope that they will continue to get the support which they so much deserve.