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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 5.

Weir House Dance

Weir House Dance.

Weir House staged a dance on Wednesday night, April 24th. Everything was done in the traditional style. A good orchestra, gay crowd, delicious supper—not a bad show at all. Dress informal. Anybody with a tin front was taken out and shot. When you became tired of dancing you tripped along to a spot out of range of the orchestra. There would be found a radio set humming out a rhythmic ragtime. That's the story of . . . That's the glory of .. Jove . . . I sailed away . . .

Just think of the harmony and peace with such a psychological background. The music issued ultimately from a transmitting station installed in one of the rooms, whence a land wire travelled to the various radios.

Needless to say all the records were carefully chosen by psychological experts with a view to the atmosphere that should pervade a social gathering of the young of both sexes.

Of course, there was no Commissionaire present.