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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 5.

Middle Weight:

Middle Weight:

Rutherford (11.2), O.U., beat E. H. Miller (10.8), V.U.C.

Superior height and weight gave Rutherford a great advantage, and against a hard-hitting, two-handed fighter of this type, Miller performed very well indeed and went the full distance, Rutherford winning comfortably on points.


Amies (10.12), C.U.C., beat Rutherford, O.U.

Light Heivyweight.

J. V. Kean (11.8). O.U., beat G. Dandy (11.12), V.U.C.

Kean led throughout in an uninteresting bout, and though Dandy landed a few heavy blows, Kean had no difficulty in taking the decision from a very tired Dandy.


Barnes (11.6), C.U.C., beat Kean (O.U.).