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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 12.

In Reply . .

In Reply . . .

It is with the feeling of carrying out an unpleasant duty that we cross swords with the late President. Our last editorial was not meant to pass judgment on the new Executive. Its purpose was to pass judgment on a democracy which, in our opinion, and quite evidently in his, made a mistake. We were at pains to point out that the elecors had to vote on candidates who, on paper, were position for position, younger, less experienced, and busier with studies. That being the case, in our view, commonsense showed the need to take advantage of any experienced and mature judgment offering. We do not want to continue comparisons which may be odious, but we qualified our statement by saying that members were experienced on the Exec, or in the major activities of the College. In so doing, we had in mind particularly Messrs. White and Blacker. We did not mention because it seemed obvious, and Mr. Wild with characteristic modesty has refrained from mentioning the difference in experience of the persons elected to the most responsible position of all.