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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 12.


A casual glance at the Tennis Club's notice board the other day revealed the outstanding fact that although 1987-38 season will soon be commencing, the last season's championship events are still uncompleted. Is this duo to inefficient management on the part of the controllers of the events, or is it due to the inertia of the players concerned? The tennis bogey "weather" can hardly be an excuse, as even during this winter there have been days on which the matches could easily have been played. Which is it, inertia or management?

Peculiar contrasts are shown by the Hockey Senior XI. one week they exhibit excellent combination and stick work, and the next week, when everything is in their favour, even to the opposing team being short, they turn on a positively "foul" display. Fickleness cannot apparently be attributed only to woman!

The Senior Rugby game against Wellington showed up the usual weaknesses in Varsity's play, and until these are remedied, the team will not meet with any great success.