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The Spike or Victoria University College Review 1945


This season, as far as results are concerned, has proved a somewhat disappointing one for the club, though the precise reason for this is somewhat difficult to determine.

Injuries, especially to key players, have been a big factor, however, contributing towards this non-success, and it may help to calculate just how far this is responsible when it is known that no fewer than seven players from the Senior XV alone have had to give up football entirely, and ten have been kept out of the game for a week or more.

Matches have so far been played with Auckland and Massey, and later games will be played against Auckland (return) and Canterbury, while a Colts XV will play Te Aute College.

Auckland Game: This game was won by Auckland by 19—11 after an excellent exhibition by both teams. Victoria early gained the lead with two penalty goals by Brian, and it was not until Goodwin retired that the Auckland backs, except for Gruce, showed up as potential scoring men, even though they had an ample supply of the ball. Victoria, however, won a greater share of the line- outs, and often the backs showed up in well- judged attacks. The forwards, though without Murphy, at least held their own throughout. Bennett scored a try, which Brian converted, for Victoria.

Massey Game: A mixed team of eight seniors and seven lower grade players made a one-day trip to Palmerston North to play Massey, and was severely dealt with by the latter, 19—5.

The forwards played well enough, though without much sting, and were more than a match for Massey -in most departments, but the backs could scarcely hold the fine opposing set. Loveridge made several good runs, from the last of which Wilde scored a try, which Brian converted. Massey thoroughly deserved their win, as they played fine all-round football, and revealed good combination among the backs.