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Victoria University Antarctic Research Expedition Science and Logistics Reports 1964-65: VUWAE 9


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The ninth Victoria University of Wellington Antarctic Expedition, led by Mr W.K. Prebble, carried out geological, geophysical and biological studies in selected ice free areas South and West of McMurdo Sound. Dr P. Vella was scientific leader for the first phase of the expedition's programme and was succeeded by Professor J. Bradley in the second phese. A 7-man party was maintained in the field, but altogether 12 men were involved including geologists, physicists, a biologist and technicians. The large number of men was required to cope with the many specialised problems investigated. After 11 weeks in the field, the expedition was satisfied that its achievements exceeded the most optimistic expectations.

The most important scientific discoveries made by VUWE9 include:-
(a)Definite identification of fossiliferous marine deposits on Black Island and Brown Peninsula as being laid down in water - not dragged up by ice; the deposits represent a higher sea. level than today.
(b)Happing on Black Island and Brown Peninsula now enables formulation of a sequence representing several glacial advances and intervals between them.
(c)Ice movement in the region was probably southward, not northward as previously thought.
2.Comprehensive capping with the establishment of a series of different volcanic eruptions on Black Island and Brown Peninsula.
3.Assessment of mineralisation in the Koettlitz - Blue Glacier region and Taylor Valley. Probable Ferrar Dolerite feeder dykes were discovered and also new localities of the rare orbicular granites.
4.Study of the algal ecology of 2 Antarctic lakes and extensive collection of algae, lichens and mosses including an alga species probably new to science.
(a)The first investigation of Miers Lake with probable marked differences from the saline lakes of the right and Taylor Valleys.
(b)Discovery of a hitherto unreported fine structure in Lake Bonney.
6.Evidence of post glacial uplift in the dry valley areas, with important implications on the structure of the Ross Sea region.
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Scientific Interests

A Victoria University of Wellington Antarctic Expedition was again mounted for the 1964 - 65 summer, to carry out geological, geophysical and Biological investigations in selected ice-free areas south and west of McMurdo Sound. A scientific programme was formulated to include the investigation of problems isolated by previous VUWAEs and the study of two ice-free areas not covered previously by VUWAE nor fully by any expedition.

The reconnaissance of White Island, Black Island and Brown Peninsula (see Fig. 1) by VUWAE8 in January 1964, showed that there was scope for a comprehensive survey of the bedrock and superficial geology of Black Island and Brown Peninsula and that the latter area provided considerable material for botanical and limnological studies. It was therefore decided to send a team comprising a number of geologists, a biologist and a physicist to those two areas the next summer.

Following the investigations of VUWAE8 on Lake Vanda (Fig. II) it was decided to repeat their measurements in order to determine the stability of the convection cells system in the lake, and to obtain additional information for determining the convection patterns in individual cells. It was also planned to study planktonic life known to exist in Lake Vanda and to carry out geophysical investigations of the immediate surrounding country.

The results of VUWAE4 and VUWAE6 revealed geological problems in the basement complex rocks south and nest of McMurdo Sound. VUWAE9 planned to investigate selected areas of these rocks in order to assess the occurrence of mineralisation and to examine outcrops known to contain orbicular granites. It was decided that a physicist and biologist should also visit these ice-free areas which lay in Koettlitz-Blue Glacier and Taylor Valley regions. (Figs. I, II, and III.)

It became clear that the expedition's programme was divided into two distinct phases, requiring a partial change in personnel to cope with the varied problems which would be studied at different locations and times. Phase I, the first part of the summer would include Lake Vanda, Black Island and Brown Peninsula. Phase II, the second part of the summer would include the Koettlitz -Blue Glacier region and Taylor Valley.


To cover the fields of investigation it was necessary to include geologists, physicists, biologist and technicians. The duties of some members required that they remain in Antarctica for the duration of the expedition's activities. Other members had specific tasks to perform in only one phase or other of the expedition and would accordingly spend only that part of the season in Antarctica. Hence a considerable change in personnel during the season was necessary and altogether twelve men were involved:-

Phases I and II

W. N. Prebble; Temporary Junior Lecturer, Geology Dept. V.U.W. (Leader and geologist.)

A. N. Baker; Zoology Dept. V.U.W. (biologist).

R.A.I. Bell; Physics Dept. V.U.W. (physicist).

Phase I only

Dr P. Vella, Senior Lecturer, Geology Dept. V.U.W. (Scientific Leader and geologist).

R.A. Hoare; Physics Dept. V.U.W. (Deputy Leader and physicist).

J. W. Cole, Geology Dept. V.U.W. (geologist).

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A.O. Frame, Geology Dept. V.U.W. (technician).

Dr A. Ewart, N.Z. Geological Survey, who would Join the expedition for work on Black Is.

Phase II only

Professor J. Bradley, Geology Dept. V.U.W. (Scientific Leader and geologist).

D. Palmer, Geology Dept. V.U.W. (geologist).

F. Schafer, Geology Dept., V.U.W. (technician).

Dr D.O. Zimmerman, Senior Lecturer, Geology Dept. University of Auckland, (geologist).

Baker would become Deputy Leader at the departure from the field by Hoare. upon the departure from the field during Phase II by Baker, Bell was appointed Deputy Leader.

Each person performed distinct scientific duties, but there was, of course, a great deal of familiarisation by each member outside his own field.

Each member quickly became able to participate in every aspect of the expedition's work. Normally the party was divided each day into two or three groups working on different projects and occasionally split up into elements which were detached for a few days and which kept in close contact by daily radio communication.


Financial aid for the expedition came from:-
  • Univeraity Research Grants Committee of New Zealand.
  • Victoria University of Wellington.

National Science Foundation of the United States of America, which supported Mr Palmer


The first phase of the expedition's programme was to begin in early November with Hoare, Baker and Bell moving by helicopter to Lake Vanda. At approximately the same time, Vella, Ewart, Cole, Frame and Prebble were to move by helicopter to Black Island. In conjunction with this movement a largo supply dump, for use later in the season, was to be placed on Brown Peninsula.

Work at Lake Vanda and Black Island was expected to be complete by the 1st December. The expedition would then be moved jointly to Brown Peninsula where minor supply dumps would be established by helicopter, from the depot already positioned. Dr Ewart and Mr Hoare would return to Scott Base.

Phase I was scheduled to end about the 20th December when changes in personnel would occur for phase II, which was planned to commence with the immediate movement of the expedition to Niers Valley, (see Fig. III). During this movement the positioning of supply dumps, in the Koettlitz - Blue Glacier region, was to be accomplished. Work would continue in the Koettlitz area until approximately January 15, when the expedition was due to move to Taylor Valley. About a week's work was planned for Taylor Valley before withdrawing to Scott Base prior to departure for Now Zealand late in January.

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As with VUWAE8, the expedition undertook to perform complicated physical measurements in the field and a great deal of apparatus and instruments had to be prepared. Many instruments and apparatus used by VUWAES were again employed but some new instruments were purchased and others, constructed by expedition members. Moderate expenditure was incurred with replacement and repair of field equipment such as windproofs, tents, sleeping bags and kitchen equipment. A considerable amount of field equipment and down clothing was loaned by Antarctic Division D.S.I.R. and each member contributed some of his own clothing, thus keeping down expenditure by the University. Every item required by the expedition except those borrowed from Scott Base or USAEP, NeNurdo, was purchased and packed by expedition members. Much of the clothing and equipment used by VUWAE8 was in excellent condition and used again. The recommendations of VUWAE8 and VUWAE8 were followed as closely as finance permitted and were found to be sound and applicable.

A complete schedule of operations for the summer was formulated and agreed to by New Zealand and United States authorities. The expedition's proposed movements mere relatively complex and involved much helicopter support. Consequently, Prebble accompanied Antarctic Division authorities to Christchurch in September and discussed the expedition's plans with the United States authorities who accepted suggestions for streemlining of the proposed schedule for VUWAE9.

Expedition members attended the Antarctic Training Week at Waiouru and Mt. Ruapehu in September in order to meet Scott Base and New Zealand field personnel, and to familiarise with base and field precedure and safety. Messrs Bell and Hoare attended an explosives safety course in Wellington to prepare for the use of gelignite during the geophysical programme. Bell, accompanied by expedition members and university staff tested the geochrone equipment under various conditions including the Tasman Glacier and Mt Tarawera. Many valuable lessons were learnt and useful information gathered in the process of his preparations.

A great deal of time and effort put into the preparation and equipping of the expedition was instrumental in the smooth running that followed in the field.


Volla, Baker, Bell, Heare, Prebble, Cole and Frame flew from New Zealand to McMurdo on November 13. Hoare, Baker and Bell were shifted by helicopter to Lake Vanda on November 15. Vella and Cole, with Ewart (U.Z. Geol. Survey) moved by helicopter to Block Island on the 18th. The days at Scott Base had been used to study the geology of Hut Point Peninsula in the Scott Base- McMurdo region, a familiarisation period which proved most useful in later geological work. Prebble and Frame remained at Scott Base until all the expedition's cargo arrived. When it had, a resupply was able to be taken to the Lake Vanda party on November 23, and Prebble and Promo were able to join the contingent on Black Island the same day. Also accomplished in this movement was the emplacement of a large supply dump on Brown Peninsula for use later in the season.

At the end of November, both the Vanda and Black Island groups were ready for movement to Brown Peninsula, which was accomplished by a joint helicopter mission on the 2nd December. The helicopters returned Ewart and Hoare to Scott Base. On Monday 7th December the Hon. Mr B.E. Talboys, Minister of Science and Mr J.T. Andrews, Chairman of the National Research Advisory Council with Adrian Haytor, Leader Scott Base and J. Calvert, Scott Base, visited the expedition on Brown Peninsula. The informal visit allowed Mr Talboys and Mr Andrews to inspect a field party camp and learn something at firsthand of Victoria University's activities in Antarctica. Their stay was enjoyed by the expedition members with when they left mail and fresh food from Scott Base. After several days of wind and blizzards, the party moved to a camp at the southern end of Brown Peninsula to try and complete the programme for phase I in the short time remaining. Vella and Frame returned by helicopter to Scott Base on December 14, Cole remaining in order to complete his volcanic studies.

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Fine weather allowed the completion of the bedrock mapping before the party shifted to the Koettlitz on December 18. During this move a major supply dump with all remaining personnel was established at Niers Lake and four other depots were laid at strategic positions from Walcott Bay to Garwood Valley. N.F. Prebble, Deputy-leader Scott Base accompanied the party during this movement and returned with Cole to Scott Base.

After some delay in reaching Antarctica, Bradley, Zimmerman, Palmer and Schafer joined Prebble, Baker and Bell at Niers Lake on December 28. At the some time the depot at Hidden Lake was shifted to ard Lake. Christmas was celebrated the same day.

Work continued, by all members, in Niers Valley until January 4, when Prebble and Zimmerman journeyed south to beyond alcott Bay, returning to base camp on the 7th. Baker, Palmer and Schafer moved to Garwood Valley on January 9, returning early on the 11th. Prebble end Zimmerman then also moved to the Garwood Valley that day and returned the next. The Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition, led by Dr T. Torii and members of whom met VUWAE8 at Lake Bonney the previous summer, arrived at Niers Lake on the 11th January.

VUWAE 9 was moved by helicopter to Taylor Valley on January 13, Baker returning to Scott Base. Arrangements had been mode for him to fly back to New Zealand on the 16th with biological samples requiring urgent attention. Work continued from base camp at Lake Bonney in the Taylor Valley until January 25, when Boll and Zimmerman returned to Scott Base followed by the rest of the party the next day. Two days were spent packing samples and equipment before the expedition flew home to New Zealand on January 29.


Introductory Note

A full description of the organisation of VUWAE9 is not given in this report, which does not attempt to elaborate on details of the administration and logistics required to mount an Antarctic Expedition from this University. This present report mentions specifically only one recommendation arising from the logistics of VUWAE9. It outlines suggestions for future Antarctic Research from Victoria University.

A. Logistics

(1)The recommendations of VUWAE6 and VUWAE8 were followed as far as possible and proved to be sound and applicable advice. They are strongly commended to future VUWAEs and can be referred to in the reports of those two expeditions.
(2)Recommendation (1) of VUWAE8 - provision of a large moss tent for cooking, eating, equipment maintenance and processing of samples - could not be adopted in practice far look of finance. It is strongly recommended that any future expedition of the size and diversity of VUWAE9 or VUWAE8 be provided with such a tent. The Johnson and Couzins large model Polar Pyramid tent is suggested.

B. The Future

(1)From the results of VUWAE9's geological investigations on Block Island and Brown Peninsula it is clear that further capping end detailed work on moraines ore worthwhile, immediately south and west of McMurdo Sound and no doubt elsewhere in Victoria Land. Three specific projects, given at the end of Vella's report, ore repeated here for convenience:-
(i)More detailed examination of the sequence by completion of the mapping of moraines on Brown Peninsula, by remapping the moraines on the western side of the Koettlitz Glacier and throughout Victoria Land especially in the ice free regions south and west of McMurdo Sound, (See Fig. I).page 5
(ii)Detailed study of erraties in these areas with a view to determining their origins and hence finding directions of ice movements.
(iii)Geomorphic study in these areas to determine mode of formation of land forms, and for Possible further evidence of directions of ice movement.
(2)As stated by Baker in his report, VUWAE9's undoubtedly successful biological programme was preliminary to more extensive and detailed studies or Antarctic ecology that could be now undertaken. At present it is considered that a two man biological team could do valuable work in Taylor Valley which, with an abundance of various types of lakes and ponds in different environments, is well suited to algalogical studies.
(3)VUWAE9 studied two geological problems that were revealed by the investigations of VUWAEs 4 and 6. Other geological problems remain, and can be best studied in the ice free regions. One of particular interest is the Irizar Granite - its origin, distribution, relationship to basement dykes and mineralisation.


Victoria University of Wellington Antarctic Expedition No 9 (1964-65) wishes to especially thank:-

Antarctic Division D.S.I.R. (N.Z.) for support during the preparation and activities of the expedition and for the loan of equipment and clothing.

The services of the United States of America for Air transport to and from and within Antarctica, especially the helicopter support and cooperation of VX-6 Squadron, U.S. Navy.

Mr Adrian Hayter, Leader Scott Base, for his help and cooperation and his interest in our expedition.

Messrs Phil Smith and Jack Twiss, U.S.A.R.P. representatives, McMurdo for their help and cooperation during our stay in Antarctica.

The personnel of Scott Base for their hospitality and help throughout the expedition's activities.

Professor R.H. Clark, Victoria University of Wellington, who has made these expeditions possible.

Other grateful acknowledgements are made to:-

University Grants Committee and Victoria University of Wellington for financial aid.

National Science Foundation of America for supporting Mr Palmer.

The Departments of Geology, Physics, Zoology and Botany, Victoria University, for help with instruments and equipment.

Lands and Survey Dept. for aerial photographs.

Faggs Coffee Wholesale Ltd. for assistance with coffee.

Agfa (N.Z.) Ltd. for donation of Agfacolour film.

Last, but certainly not least, we wish to thank our parents, wives and close friends for tolerating our absence, assisting our preparations, providing luxuries to boost our diet and maintaining a steady supply of [unclear: s]ail.

K. N. Frebble.

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Because of the diverse studies undertaken by VUTAE9, a preliminary outline of the results achieved is presented under the separate headings of:-
  • Glaciations and high sea level phases
  • Voloanics
  • Mineralisation
  • Glacial and periglacial geology
  • Biology
  • Geophysics
  • Orbicular Granodiorite

Glaciations and High Sea-Level Phases, Black Island and Brown Peninsula.

Moraines and raised marine deposits were investigated on Black Island end Brown Peninsula. Weather and tine permitted a fairly thorough coverage of most of Black Island; the small ice-covered area at the south end of the island was not examined because the part was not sufficiently experienced in work in ice. A long spell of bad weather curtailed work on Brown Peninsula, and only about half of the peninsula was examined for moraines and marine deposits.

Marine deposits named Scallop Hill Formation, with fossils (Zygochlamys, barnacles and others) had been reported previously from Black Island and from morainic debris on sea ice near Brown Peninsula, but it was not known whether these deposits had been formed when the sec extended over parts of the present Black Island and Brown Peninsula, or had been dragged up from the sea by ice. These marine deposits were found by this year's expedition to have been deposited on a terrace-like feature ranging in elevation from about 550 to 700ft on both Black Island and Brown Peninsula. Another terrace-like feature at a loner level (200 to 400 ft) has marine deposits with different fossils (Adamussium colbecki). A third terrace-like feature, higher than the other two, appears to have no marine deposits on it. The marine deposits definitely represent periods when sea-level was higher than at present relative to Black Island end Brown Peninsula. It is not certain that the terrace-like features were formed by the sea, and they might be some kind of sub-aerial or glacial bench that has been flooded by the sea.

Almost nothing was previously known about the moraines of the region. Six distinct groups of moraines were mapped. Three groups represent thick ice-sheets, while the other three represent relatively minor and probably fairly recent phases of ice movement. The highest group of moraines extends up to an elevation of about 2,500 ft. and represents the oldest and thickest ice-sheet that has left a record in the area; it is composed mainly of basalt fragments up to about 4 inches in length and contains many erratic blocks of granite, Beacon Group sediments, dolerite, and c variety of metamorphic rocks, all evidently derived from the mainland on the west side of the Ross Sea, but it is uncertain whether they have been derived from the north-west, west or south-west, of Black Island and Brown Peninsula. The largest erratic blocks are granite and range up to 10 ft. in length. The surface of this oldest moraine is much subdued owing to periglacial action.

Younger moraines are mostly similar in composition, but one important group contains distinctive erratics of the lava kenyite and of concretionary fossiliferous marine sediments thought to be Tertiary in age, and also contains fragments of locally derived marine sediments containing the fossil Zygochlamys.

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The sequence of 'terraces', marine formations, and moraines, appears to be as follows:
Table of the sequence of terraces, marine formations, and moraines

Direction of ice movement is not certain, hut from erratics, and from land forms probably shaped by ice, was probably mostly from north to south. Only the fifth grown in the above table, the 'trachyte' moraines of Black Island, shows evidence of ice movement from south to north. This group is probably late Holocene in age rid very young compared with the other moraines. The U.S. glaciologist Pewe has previously assumed ice-movement from south to north, but in order to account for the distribution of kenyite erratics has had to make the further assumption that kenyite outcrops extensively towards the head of the Koettlitz Glacier.

The most useful results of the investigation were:
1.Definite identification of the Scallop Hill Formation as a high-level marine deposit laid down in water, not dragged up by ice; and
2.determination of the relative ages of 'terraces', serine formations and glacial deposits, and formulation of a sequence representing several glacial advances and the intervals between glacial advances.
Probably some stages in the sequence are still not distinguished. Worthwhile projects for future research would be:
1.More detailed examination of the sequence by completion of the mapping on Brown Peninsula, by remapping the moraines on the western side of the Koettlitz Glacier and throughout Victorialand, and by capping of moraines around Mount Discovery and at Minna Bluff.
2.Detailed study of erratics with a view to determining their origins and hence finding directions of ice movements.
3.Geomorphic study to determine node of formation of lend forms, and for possible further evidence of directions of ice movements.

P. Vella.

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The object of the volcanics project was to map end collect rocks of the McMurdo Volcanic Series on Black Island end Brown Peninsula, and to compare their age with the surrounding Moraine. It was undertaken during the first half of the VUWAE9 expedition from November 16th to December 18th 1964, end all personnel contributed. A brief examination of the volcanoes of the Koettlitz region was later made during the second half of the expedition to assist the main study.

The first area visited was Black Island, and it soon became evident that there were a number of different types of volcano of which two could be readily identified in the field. These were designated 'trachyte' and 'basalt', pending later petrographic examination. The former was light to medium grey in colour, sometimes porphyritic and sometimes non-porphyritic. Both had a characteristic yellow weathering which was thought to be a possible source of the 'loess' dust [gap — reason: illegible] in the area. The basalt could be divided into two groups: Firstly, an earlier dark coloured porphyritic olivine basalt which underlaid the trachyte, and probably formed a large volcano similar to Mount Discovery before the major glaciations. Secondly, there was a much younger basalt, with small phenocrysts and usually red in colour. Cones of this type were considered to be later than both the trachytes and most of the glaciations. The volcanic rocks of Brown Peninsula were very similar with the addition of a [unclear: tuff] deposit. This was very widespread on the Peninsula, and was thought to have come from a number of vents on the Peninsula.

On return to New Zealand thin sections were made of the key slides end from this further sub-divisions of the rocks have been possible from their mineral content, and this can be applied to the field evidence when compiling the final map. A particularly interesting feature is the appearance of calcite in the tuff from a particular event on Brown Peninsula. This could be the first indication of carbonatite lavas in the region, and the rocks concerned will be studied in detail to examine this possibility.

J. W. Cole.


Previous workers in these areas (VUWAE4 and VUWAE6) had mapped Precambrian basement recks similar to those found in mineralised areas of Australia, South Africa, Canada and Scandinavia. VUWAE9's mission was to examine geological environmental which by analogy seemed likely to be mineralised and to look for mineralised boulders in moraines. Minor copper mineralisation had been recorded by VUWAE6 in the Nussbaum Riegel Belt of metasediments, Taylor Valley.

Environments in the the area considered most likely to be mineralised are faults, amphibolite-marble-fault contacts, granite-marble contacts (skarns) and pegnative dykes.


Very few large faults have been mapped in the region, and none were accessible. Several small faults were examined and found to be barren. The locality of a large, inferred fault, between the Radian Glacier and Roaring Valley, Walcott Bay area, was examined but the prosence of a fault was not definitely established and no mineralisation was observed. Soil samples were collected from scree in the vicinity and will be analysed for copper and zinc. Two small sulphide nodules containing pyrite, chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite were found at the contact of a dolerite lyke and Precambrian marble in this area. Furthermore the dolerite appeared macroscopically similar to Ferrar Dolerite which forms mills within the Deacon sandstone. Three other dykes of similar composition were recorded in the area and these may be part of a swarm of feeder dykes for the sills. This is believed to be the first discovery of sill-[unclear: dylan] within the Precombrian basement rocks; however extensive laboratory work is necessary to prove the relationship.

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Amphibolite is generally present in minor amounts within metasediments which are mainly marbles. Field examination indicated that these were unfavourable for mineralisation.


These were generally barren, but minor amounts of pyrrhotite and lesser chalcopyrite were found near Penance Pass (North ridge of [unclear: Miers] Valley), south of the snout of the Taylor Glacier and on the east side of Nussbaum Riegal. Traces of Malachite Here present at most of these localities. The two Taylor Valley localities appeared to be impure beds within a dominantly marble sequence and were not in direct contact with granite. One mineralised boulder was found in Taylor Valley moraine but it was similar to, and within one mile of, the in situ occurrence south of the Taylor Glacier snout. It is planned to examine the pyrrhotite in polished section to see if any nickel sulphide (pentlandite) is present.


Numerous pegmatites were examined but they were invariably small and of a type commonly found in granite but rarely associated with mineralisation. Ilmenite (Fe Ti O3) was found in a pegmatite boulder in Taylor Valley moraine.


The Koettlitz - Blue Glacier and Taylor Valley region is characterised by a lack of sulphides and must be regarded as generally unfavourable to base metal sulphide mineralisation. Furthermore, all sulphides found had small gossanous caps and ochreous brown and yellowish iron staining associated with them so that any large body of sulphides reaching the surface would almost certainly have attracted attention during previous work in the area. Ochreous brown staining is common throughout the region, especially in aplite screes, and it is apparently derived from the weathering of biotite. However the characteristic yellow colour found with all sulphide occurrences serves to differentiate between sulphide-derived and biotite-derived iron staining.

No appreciable quantitities of industrial minerals were located during the survey, apart from marbles which are abundant and in most cases of apparently high purity.

During the examination of Taylor Valley several boulders of pink Irizar granite were examined in moraine, although none of the known outcrops were reached. This granite is macroscopically similar to tin bearing granites in North Queensland and deserves investigation for pneumatolytic mineralisation of tin, tungsten, molybdenum and rare earths, Molybdenite has already been recorded by Gunn and [gap — reason: illegible]arren from near Granite Harbour; the molybdenite was found in pegmatite associated with Irizar Granite.

Thirty soil samples were collected in the region, including a set down-slope from copper mineralisation. The samples will be analysed for copper and sine to test the effectiveness of geochemical prospecting in the region.


Traces of sulphide mineralisation, including copper were found in skarns at four localities in the region. On weathered surfaces and in soils, sulphides are indicated by yellow staining. Generally the region is lacking in sulphides and is regarded as unfavourable for large scale sulphide mineralisation.

The Irizar Granite should be examined for possible pneumatolytic tin, tungsten, molybdenum rare earth mineralisation.

Soil samples were collected to test the effectiveness of geochemical prospecting in the region.

D.O. Zimmerman.

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Special interests of the tiers and Taylor Valleys lie in their ice covered lakes end in the problematic bonches which run around the valleys. Our team began research with the ridges of rock dotritus, commonly and erroneously called ice-cored moraine, which lie on the ice and run inside the margin of Lake Miers. Drilling proved the ridges to be only superficially covered with rock debris and to be essentially of rure ice. Observation showed that they are probably now rising from the lake at the rate of about one [unclear: on] a day. It appears that during freezing end thawing that accompanies weather changes ice melts then water freezes along vertical fissures in the ice. The resultant expansion of the ice is camulative towards the shore and causes thrusting in that direction. In the centre of the lake low domes and basins are formed and at the lake edge the ice is warped into sharp folds. Where the lake shallows gently the ice meets the bottom 50 yds out and ridges are formed there but where the bottom is steep ridges thrust on to land. Ice pushes up ridges of gravel and boulders to form ridges and benches on land, under the ice and on the ice. The resultant bonches differ from familiar lake terraces but now they are understood they can be recognised at levels up to 1500 ft. above sea level.

In view of the general topography this indicates that ice covered water once occupied the Taylor and liters Valleys and probably many similar valleys and that all of those valleys were fiords or arms of the Ross Sea. In turn this Bonus that the region has probably all been uplifted by above 1500 ft in petit glacial time. That is borne out by studios of the sediments of the liters and Taylor valleys. These are not the normal deposits of valley glaciers but include fine sediments and salt deposits probably laid down under a floating ice shelf like the present Ross Barrier. Ice from the Ross Sea flowed up the valleys and as it melted any contained rock sank to the bottom. At the heads of valleys glaciers flowed into waters of the fiords and on melting also laid [unclear: down] characteristic sediments.

This general explanation satisfies many of the anomalous features of the glaciation of the region. The concept of uplift is consistent with ideas on the- structure of Antarctica and the Ross Sea and the finding is generally important.

Further and related studies concerned the unusual nature of rock erosion in a frigid and arid environment. Frost and wind cause erosion on a scale not previously thought possible, end have produced remarkable land forms which will probably be described during the coming year.

The region is still of surpassing interest. It has provided an excellent and unequalled field of research in this as in poet years and remains a profitable venue for future explorations.

J. Bradley.


During the period November 15th - January 16th the algal ecology of two Antarctic lakes was studied, and extensive collections were made of littoral and terrestrial algae, lichens and mosses. The biological survey was carried out in Southern Victoria Land, between the latitudes of 77° 35′S., and 78°18′S., and covered approximately 70 miles of the Dry Valley Region.

Samples of planktonic microorganisms were collected from Lake Vanda, Wright Valley, and Lake Tiers, Tiers Valley. The samples were obtained by inserting a rubber tube through a hole drilled in the ice layer and pumping water through nylon filters at the surface A semi-rotatary force pump, operated manually was used to pump about 100 gallons from each lake, the samples beans taken every five feet. This method yielded large quantities of microscopic plants, principally blue-green algae and diatoms, as well as a small number of Rotif[gap — reason: illegible] as and Chlemydomones. A filamentous green alga was found in Lake Miers, and preliminary investigations suggest that it is a suggest that it is a species of Ulothrix new to science.

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Material was examined in the natural state with a microscope, and specimens were drown and photographed. The major portion of the organic material was preserved in [unclear: 2-3], formalin, while a smaller amount was either dried on cartridge paper or preserved in [unclear: 2] Lugols solution. Living material was brought back to N.Z., and this is now in culture at the University in order that experiments may be conducted during the year to investigate encystments, hibernation stages, special behaviour and other life history phenomona.

Physical data relevant to the ecology of planktonic organisms was recorded with each sample taken. Water temperature and light intensity and penetration were measured at sampling depths with a device especially constructed for the purpose Colour end turbidity were noted, and pH was determined. Water samples were returned to N.Z., and these will be chemically analysed during the year.

Terrostial and littoral algao were collected from as many diverse habitats as possible, ecological factors were noted, and living specimens were brought back for more detailed study. Soil algae will be passed on to a specialist in this field at Canterbury University. Several species of lichens and mosses were collected, and these have been made available to the respective authorities.

Specimens of each typo of plant collected will be deposited in the herbarium of the Botany Dept., V.U.W. The biological data from VUWAE9 will be collated during 1965 and presented for publication as soon as possible.

This summers biological programme in Antarctica was ubdoubtedly extremely successful, but because it was the first investigation of its type by this University, it must be regarded as preliminary to more extensive and detailed studies of Antarctic ecology.

A. N. Baker


(a) The suitability of first arrival seismic refraction apparatus for surface structure studies was investigated at sites in the Wright, Taylor, and Miers Valleys, and on Brown Peninsula. Results show that the apparatus provides a simple method of measuring the depth of moraine or loess above permafrost or rock, and the depth of weathering of exposed rock faces. It was also possible to measure the depth of firn above the brine layer in the Ross Ice Shelf, which is of interest in detailed studies of the latter. It was not found possible to distinguish between permafrost and ice on a velocity basis, and the above method could not therefore be used to detect ice-cored morains.

In addition to the above tests, seismic velocity data were accumulated for a wide variety of materials and should prove useful in evaluating future projects.

(b) Detailed temperature, light flux, and electrical conductivity measurements were taken in Lake Miers, which, together with water samples and the biological data of Mr Baker, will enable a full physical, chemical, and biological description of this lake. Preliminary results indicate marked differences from saline lakes of the Wright and Taylor Valleys.

Similar measurements undertaken in the upper levels of Lake Bonney revealed a hitherto unreported fine structure, the implications of which are still under consideration.

R. Bell

(c) Measurements on temperature density and electrical conductivity of Lake Vanda, made by R. Hoare with VUWAE8 in January 1964, indicated that the lake possessed a fairly complicated horizontally layered structure, the origin of which was not clear. Similar measurements were made by Hoare on this expedition, together with more sophisticated measurements on convection currents in the layers.

The two sets of observations made by the sane man using the same equipment have enabled unambiguous conclusions to be drawn about changes with time of the structure of Lake Vanda.

Other measurements provide additional support for the theory that most page 12 of the heat in the lake comes from solar radiation absorbed in the water. A qualitative explanation for the occurrence of the horizontal convecting layers has been proposed.

(d) The Ross Ice Shelf near Scott Base consists of fresh-water ice floating on sea water. It is permeable to salt water, which partly freezes to leave a brine occupying small interstices in the ice below sea level. Professor A. T. Wilson suggested that the brine should be more concentrated near the surface than further down, because of lower temperatures near the surface than at the bottom. This required an inversion of the normally stable density gradient, so it was decided to make a direct investigation of the density variation. It was found that samples of brine taken from a drill hole were denser near the top of the hole than at the bottom, thus verifying the hypothesis in an unexpectedly simple manner. It was anticipated that the brine would mix up in the hole, but this is apparently prevented by the viscosity of the brine-ice chips mixture in the hole.

R. Hoare.


Orbicular granodiorite occurs within the Larsen. Granodiorite in the Taylor Valley, Antarctica. The orbs occur in discontinuous bands in a zone 200 to 1000 yards from the contact of the Larson with steeply dipping metasedimentary rocks.

In most places the orbs are separated by a few centimeters of matrix, but in a few places they are so closely packed that the outer rims form a continuous network. The orbs are usually spheroids but are often deformed, broken, or rarely disc-like. The cores of the orbs are biotite plagioclase hornfels, biotite schist, pyroxene, or rarely pieces of brecciated orbs. There is a complete range in the alteration of the orbs from orbs without cores to xenoliths with only a faint white rim of feldspar around them.

The orbs result from a chemical reaction between the larsen Granodiorite and the xenoliths in it. The most easily altered xenoliths are the pyroxenes, followed by the biotite schist and then the biotite plagioclase hornfels. Brecciation of sane orbs and flow features in some of the orbicular bands suggest considerable mobility in the pluton at the time of orb formation.

It is hoped that a detailed petrographic study of the rocks of the area will answer the questions: Why do only some xenoliths alter to orbs? What are the conditions of formation for the orbs that differ from other rocks carrying xenoliths? What is the mechanics of formation of the characteristic radial and ring structure of the orbs?

D. Palmer.

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FIG I McMurdo Sound Region

FIG I McMurdo Sound Region

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FIG II Sketch Map Taylor Valley to Victoria Valley

FIG II Sketch Map Taylor Valley to Victoria Valley

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FIG III Sketch Map of Koettlitz Area

FIG III Sketch Map of Koettlitz Area