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Victoria University Antarctic Research Expedition Science and Logistics Reports 1990-91: VUWAE 35

6/ Future Research

6/ Future Research

Detailed analytical work on the materials collected during the 1989/90 and 1990/91 seasons is now underway. R.J. Wysoczanski has applied to the Royal Society of New Zealand for funding from the Prince and Princess Award Scheme to undertake important isotopic work at Royal Holloway & Bedford New College, University of London. Future work will involve placing the West Antarctic xenoliths into a plate tectonic perspective of the Pacific rim region. In the future it would be valuable to return to the Flood Range, Ames Range, Mt. Flint, Mt Petras, the Crary Mountains and Toney Mountain. Visits to these sites of volcanic activity were in the original scope of the WAVE programme, but they were cancelled due either to the inclement climatic conditions during the two seasons or to the breakdown of the Twin Otter.