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Victoria University Antarctic Research Expedition Science and Logistics Reports 1999-2000: VUWAE 44

Univ. of Amsterdam

Univ. of Amsterdam

Financial support for the Dutch contribution to research with K042 and K064, Antarctica is in the form of a grant from the 'Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek' (NWO or Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research).

The kind hospitality, support and guidance provided by Sean Fitzsimons and his K064 team, from the University of Otago is also gratefully acknowledged. Furthermore useful discussion and ideas provided by Professor Peter Barrett and Mr Cliff Atkins of Victoria University of Wellington and Dr Stephen Hicock from the University of Western Ontario are thankfully acknowledged.

I would also like to gratefully acknowledge the support, aid and recommendations for research from Dr Jaap van der Meer, my supervisor, before and during the field season.

Finally, the academic, field and social environment provided by Mr Philip Holme and Mr Jeremy Mitchell both from the Victoria University of Wellington were invaluable in making such a long field season a successful, productive and enjoyable one.