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Victoria University Antarctic Research Expedition Science and Logistics Reports 2000-01: VUWAE 45



The following equipment packages were consigned to Scott Base from Webster Drilling in Porirua in late October:
i.Flying box #1. Compressor and Drill Rods and parts.
933kg: 4.2m3 (Tare 300 kg)
ii.Flying box #1. Winkie Drill, Drill Shelter and parts.
1055kg: 4.2m3 (Tare 300 kg)
iii.ISO Space Cases of parts (3), Briggs cat head, Sigma box.
405kg: 1.35m3
iv.Core Boxes with splits and core packaging (6).
560kg: 1.7m3
v.In addition a further consignment of electronic equipment and gel cell batteries weighing approximately 250 kg was sent from VUW in early November.
Total Weight = 3203kg

Gear box and compressor oils were noted in the flying boxes and these were accepted without hazardous requirements. The gel cell batteries however required repackaging as hazardous cargo which was unexpected given that this battery type can be flown under commercial IATA regulations and in helicopters in Antarctica. It would seem that batteries are now considered hazardous because they are an electrical storage device that would normally be transported in a charged state. A general note available from page break Antarctica New Zealand regarding categories of hazardous cargo would be helpful for planning purposes.