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The Kirk Collection of Sponges (Porifera) in the Zoology Museum, Victoria University College

Genus Vosmaeropsis Dendy 1893

Genus Vosmaeropsis Dendy 1893

Vosmaeropsis macera (Carter)

H. J. Carter Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist., p. 50, (1886)

Lyall Bay, Wellington, coll. H. B. Kirk; also a specimen from near Port Phillip Heads, probably part of the material listed by Dendy (1893, p. 110) as collected by J. B. Wilson. Kirk did not, so far as I can discover, report his New Zealand occurrence.

Vosmaeropsis wilsoni Dendy

A. Dendy Proc.Roy.Soc.Victoria, 5 (N.S.), 111 (1893)

Syntype (merotype) from outside Port Phillip Heads, coll. J. B. Wilson. Material received evidently from Dendy.