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Zoology Publications from Victoria University of Wellington—Nos. 49 to 51

Family: Neanuridae Salmon, 1964 — Genus: Pronura Del. Deb., 1953 — Pronura indiana n.sp

Family: Neanuridae Salmon, 1964
Genus: Pronura Del. Deb., 1953

Pronura indiana n.sp.

Figs. 10-16.

Colour: Body and legs white.

Clothing: Sparsely clothed with short simple setae, longer posteriorly and on the antennae; occasional longer setae laterally on the body and legs. Integument finely granulate and finely tuberculate, but without bosses of any kind.

Body: Wide and flat; breadth 0.3 mm at widest part, length 0.75 mm. Mouth parts extremely small, situated on a shield-like structure having a vase-like shape, a ventral longitudinal central keel with an apical neck opening anteriorly so that each lip projects as a fine filament on each side. The body of the shield bears six relatively long setae and ten short setae as shown in Fig. 12. Each maxilla long, thin, slightly tapering and capillary-like with the apex opening out to a small funnel shape (Fig. 14). Alongside the maxillae are two needle-like structures which may be part of maxillary palp (Fig. 12). The mandibles are long, thin, tapering, slightly curved and needle-like, with two extremely small apical teeth forming a heavily pigmented page 43
Figs. 10-16, Pronura indiana n.sp. Fig. 10, Sense organ Ant. III. Fig. 11, Apex Ant. IV. Fig. 12, Mouth parts in situ. Fig. 13. Mandible. Fig. 14, Maxilla. Fig. 15, Hind foot. Fig. 16, Ocelli. Figs. 10, 11, 12 and 15, Scale A; Figs. 13 and 14, Scale B; Fig. 16, Scale C. Mand. = mandible; Max. = maxilla; Max. palp. = maxillary palp; Cut. Tub. = cuticular tubercle.

Figs. 10-16, Pronura indiana n.sp. Fig. 10, Sense organ Ant. III. Fig. 11, Apex Ant. IV. Fig. 12, Mouth parts in situ. Fig. 13. Mandible. Fig. 14, Maxilla. Fig. 15, Hind foot. Fig. 16, Ocelli. Figs. 10, 11, 12 and 15, Scale A; Figs. 13 and 14, Scale B; Fig. 16, Scale C. Mand. = mandible; Max. = maxilla; Max. palp. = maxillary palp; Cut. Tub. = cuticular tubercle.

page 44 mandibular head (Fig. 13). Three widely separated ocelli to each side (Fig. 16). PAO and furcula absent. Antennae shorter than head in ratio of 7:10 clothed with numerous long simple setae, occasional short, straight, tapering sense rods, and on Ant. IV, 3-4 stout bent sense rods as shown in Fig. 11. Sensory organ of Ant. III consists of two very small sensory clubs, no bigger than an integumentary tubercle, and lying behind a small integumentary fold as shown in Fig. 10. The genital opening is situated on a small dome bearing about 16-17 setae arranged in three somewhat irregular rows along its anterior margin. Abd. VI is shallowly bilobed.

Legs: The claw is simple, sickle-shaped, without any teeth, and with a short basal seta to each side of claw base.

Localities: Lachung, Sikkim, 8610′ altitude in moss on rotten tree trunks in pine wood; Sibsager, Assam, 350′ altitude amongst earth and roots in evergreen forest.