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Zoology Publications from Victoria University of Wellington—Nos. 66 and 67

Paratullbergia callipygos (Boerner, 1903) — Tullbergia callipygos Boerner, 1903 — Figs. 20-23

Paratullbergia callipygos (Boerner, 1903)
Tullbergia callipygos Boerner, 1903
Figs. 20-23

Included in the collection of Boerner's material at the BMNH is a tube of specimens identified as T. callipygos but without any type citation. From these, which are most likely the type series, I selected one specimen, now mounted on a slide, which I designate as lectotype and from which Figs. 20-23 were prepared.

Notes: Clothing sparse of short simple setae, longer posteriorly. PSO —ant base, posterior margin of head, ThII-Abd V each 1+1. PAO of 60-70 vesicles. Ant IV with 4-5 stout curved sense rods, and several long plain setae but I could not see the apical sensory knob mentioned by Boerner. SO Ant III as in Fig. 20. Papillae of anal spines more coarsely granulated than those of the body. Abd III dorsally with four low cuticular ridges less pronounced than in most species of the genus Paratullbergia.