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Dictionnaire Samoa-Francais-Anglais et Francais-Samoa-anglais : precede d'une grammaire de la langue samoa



Paeifier, v. a. Faàlelei (to pacify, to appease).

Pacifique, a. agamalu (pacific): La mer pacifîque, 'O le moana laolao (the pacifie ocean, the south sea).

Pacte, sm. 'O le feagaiga (agreement, covenant).

Pagaie, sf. 'O le foe (paddle).

Paganisme, sm. 'O le faàte volo (paganism, heathenism).

Pagode, sf. 'O le malumalu (pagod).

Païen, sm. 'O le faàtevolo (pagan, heathen).

Pain, sm. 'O le pane (bread). Un pain (loaf).

Pair, e, a. gatusa (equal).

Paire, sf. 'O le uluga (a pair).

Paisible, a. agamalu (peaceful, quiet).

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Paître, v. a. et v. n. Toa, fafaga (to feed).

Paix, sf. 'O le nofo lelei (peace). —, tranquillité, 'O le filemû (quiet).

Paix ! interj. Faàlologo ia! soia! (peace ! be quiet !).

Palais, sm. 'O le fale tele o le tupu (palace).

Pâle, a. Sinasina (pale).

Palet, sm. 'O le tupe (quoit) : jouer aux —, lalafo (to play at quoits).

Palissade, sf. 'O le puipui (palisade).

Palissader, v. a. puipui (to palisade).

Pallier, v. a. Faàitiili (to palliate, to excuse).

Palmier, sm. 'O le pama (palmtree).

Palper, v. a. Tago (to feel).

Palpiter, v. n. sapupuvale (to pal paltate).

Panier, sm. 'O le àto, 'O le ète (a basket).

Panique, sf. 'O le matavale (a panic).

Panse, sf. 'O le manava (belly).

Panser, v. a.: — uneplaie, tului, folau (to dress a wound).

Pantalon, sm. 'O le òfu vae (pantaloon).

Papa, sm. 'O le lamâ (papa).

Pape, sm. 'O le pâpâ, 'O le lupu sa (pope).

Papier, sm. 'O le laupepa (paper).

Papillon, sm. 'O le pepe (buttertly).

Pâque, sf. 'O le pasikate (passover).

Pâques, sm. Pasikate (easter).

Paquet, sm. 'O le afisiga (a parcel, a bundle).

Par, prép. i... (by) : — terre, ui a uta (by land). — mer, i tai (by sea). — devant, i luma (before). —, derrière, i tua (behind, backwards).

Parabole, sf. 'O le faàtaot (parable).

Parachever, v. a. Faàuma (to finish, to end).

Parade, sf. 'O le faàlialia (ostentation).

Paradis, sm. Palatiso (paradise).

Parage, sm. 'O le ogasami (a certain extent of sea).

Paraître, v. n. aliali mai, tu mai (to appear, to be seen).

Paralyser, v. a. Faàleaoga (to paralyse).

Paralysie, sf. 'O le supa (palsy, paralysis).

Parapluie, sm. 'O le faàmalu (an umbrella).

Parasol, sm. 'O le faàmalu (a parasol).

Parceque, conj. ina ua, ona ua (because).

Parcimonie, sf. 'O le faàpelepele naua (sparing).

Parcourir, v. a. asiasi solo (to run over, to read cursorily).

Pardonner, v. a. Faàmagalo atu, faàmolemole (to pardon, to forgive).

Parent, te, s. 'O le àiga (parent, relation).

Parer, v. a. Teuteu (to adorn). —, éviter, alo èse (to ward off).

Paresse, sf. 'O le paie (idleness, laziness).

Paresseux, se, a. paie, musua (idle, lazy, slow).

Parfaire, v. a. Faàuma (to complete, to finish).

Parfait, te, a. ua sao ona lelei (perfect, accomplished).

Parfois, adv. Seasea (sometimes).

Parfum, sm. 'O le manogi (perfume).

Parfumer, v. a. Faàmanogi (to perfume).

Parier, v. a. Faàtau (to lay).

Parjure, sm. et a. 'O le tautô pepelo (a perjury).

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Se parjurer, v. r. Tautô pepelo (to perjure).

Parler, v. n. et v. a. tautala (to speak, to talk) : — mal, ùpu èse (to speak ill of one, to slander). Mal parler (to speak incorrectly).

Parleur, se, a. et s. 'O le tautala soo (talker).

Parmi, prép. t totonu (among, amongst).

Parole, sf. O le ùpu (speech, word). —, promesse, Folafolaga (promise). — de Dieu, '0 le ùpu, V le afioga a le A tua (the word of God).

Parquer, v. a. tuù ise lotoa (to fold).

Parrain, sm. 'O le paterino (godfather).

Parsemer, v. a. Faàtaapeape solo (to scatter loosely).

Part, sf. portion, 'O le inati, 'O le tufaaga (portion, share). A part, adv. Lemû, i tua (aside, apart, to take aside).

Partage, sm. division, O le faàsoaga (division).

Partager, v. a. Faùsoa, tuf a, vaevae (to divide, to share).

Parti, sm. O le vaega, O le ituaiga (party, faction).

Partial, le, a. Faàituàu (partial).

Participer à.., v. n Faùtasi ma... (to participa te).

Particulier, e, a. Faàtasi ia... (spécial, peculiar). —, extraordinaire, Èse (extraordinary).

Partie, sf. portion, O le vaega (part, portion). — de cartes O le pele (to plav at cards).

Partir, v. n. A lu, alu atu (to depart, to go).

Partout, adv. I nuù uma, i mea uma (every vvhere).

Parure, sf. O le teuteu (dress, ornament).

Parvenir, v. n. Oò, papai i... (to arrive, to reach).

Pas, sm. vestige du pied, 'O le tulaga vae (print of the foot). —, Sopoaga (a step).

Pas, adv. de nég. E le, te le, le le (not). — un (neverone, none).— encore, Lei (not yet).

Passage, sm. 'O le ala (passage). —. 'O le ui ane (act of passing).

Passager, ère, a. Vave mavae (quickly passing, not lasting).

Passé, e, a. Ua mavae, ua teà (passed). —, sm. 'O mea anamuaf anamua (things past, time past).

Passer, v. n. Ui ane (to pass, to go, to come through, by or over).—, cesser, Mavae, ua uma (to cease, to be over). —, v. a. Tuù (to omit).

Passion, sf. 'O le maliu tigâ (sufferings of christ). —, 'O le loto maelega, alofa tele (zeal, passion).

Pasteur, sm. 'O le leoleo mamoe (a shepherd). — des âmes (a pastor of souls).

Pâte, sf. 'O le paluga (paste).

Paternellement, adv. Pei ò se tamâ (fatherly, Like a father).

Patiemment, adv. Ma le onosai, ma le faàtoatoa (patiently).

Patience, sf. 'O le onosai,'O le faàtoatoa pour la douleur (patience).

Patient, e, a. Faàpalepale (enduring). — dans la douleur, Faàtoatoa (suffering). — dans les disgrâces, Onosai (patient).

Pâtre, sm. 'O le leoleo mamoe (a shepherd).

Patrie, sf. 'O le nuù moni (one's native country).

Patriotisme, sm. 'O le loto nuù (patriotism).

Patron, sm. 'O le puipui (protector, defender). —, modèle, Faàtusa (pattern, model).

Patte, sf. 'O le vae (foot of some animais).

Pâturage, sm. 'O le mea e taa ai manu (pasture ground).

Pâture, sf. 'O le mea e ài (food).

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Paume, sf. — de la main, 'O le alofi lima (palm of the hand).

Paupière, sf. 'O le laumata (an eye-lid).

Pause, st. Mânava, malôlô (stop, pause).

Pauvre, a. Mativa (poor).—, sm. 'O le tagata mativa (a poor man).

Pauvreté, sf. 'O le mativa (poverty).

Paver, v. a. Tanu (to pave).

Pavillon, sm. 'O le fuà (a flag).

Payable, a. E togia (to be paid).

Payer, v. a. Totogi, avatu le lotogi. avatu le tau (to pay).

Pays, sm. 'O le nuù (a country).

Paysan, sm. 'O le lagalâ nuù (a peasant).

Peau, sf. 'O le paù (skin).

Pèche, sf. 'O le faiva (fishing, fishery).

Péché, sm. 'O le agasala (a sin, a crime).

Pécher, v. n. Agasala (to sin, to offend).

Pêcher, v. a. Fai faiva (to fish).

Pécheur, sm. 'O le tagata agasala (a sinner).

Pécheur, sm. 'O le tagata fai faiva (a fisherman).

Pédant, sm. 'O le faàfiapoto (a pedant).

Peigne, sm. 'O le selu (a comb).

Peigner, v. a; Selu (to comb).

Peindre, v a. Vali (to paint).

Peine, sf. 'O le tigâ (pain). —, chagrin, 'O le loto tigâ (grief). —, inquiétude, 'O le popole (trouble).—, difficulté, 'O le faigatâ (difficulty).

Peiner, v. a. Faàtigâ loto (to grieve).

Peinture, sf. 'O le tusiga (description). —, art (painting).

Peinturer, v. a. Vali (to paint with one colour only).

Peler, v. a. Foèfoè, fisi le paù (to peel).

Pelle, sf. 'O le asu, ò le suô (a shovel).

Penchant, sm. 'O le mea lilifa (declivity).

Penché, e, a. Faànounou, tnlolo (bent, bowed).

Penchement, sm. (an inclining, stoop, bend).

Pendant, e, a. Tautau (hanging).

Pendre, v. n. Tautau i luga (to hang).

Pénétrer, v. a. Ulu atu i (to go into).

Pénible, a. Faigatâ (difficult). —, qui afflige, Faàtigâ loto (painful).

Pénitence, sf. repentir, Salamô (repentance, sorrow).—, sacrement, 'O le penitenia (sacrement of penance).

Pensée, sf. 'O le manatu, taofi (thinking, thought).

Penser, v. n. Manatu (to think). —, réfléchir, considérer (to rellect, to consider).

Pension, sf. 'O le fale aôga (a boarding-school).

Pente, sf. 'O le lilifa (declivity).

Pentecôte, sf. 'O le penikosite (whitsunday, pentecost).

Pénurie, sf. 'O le mativa tele (great want).

Percer, v. a. Vili, faàpû (to pierce, to bore). —, v. n. se montrer, Aliali (to appear).

Percevoir, v. a. recevoir, Tali (to gather).

Perche, sf. 'O le lou (a pole).

Perçoir, sm. 'O le vili (a piercer).

Perdre, v. n. et v. a. Ua teà ia te tau ua maumau la ta (to lose). —, ruiner, Faàumatia, lepeti (to ruin). —, gâter, corrompre, Faàsesê, faàleaga (to debauch).

Père, sm. 'O le tamâ (a father).

Perfection, sf. 'O le lelei sili-sili (perfection) : C'est parfait, Ua sao ona lelei (it is perfect).

Perfectionner, v. a. Faààtoa lona lelei (to perfect, to complete).

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Perfide, a. Faàlata, òleòle (perfidious, treacherous).

Périlleux, se, a. E oti, e fano ai tagata (perilous, dangerous).

Périr, v. n. Pe, fano, oti, mate (to perish, to die).

Perle, sf. 'O te utetifa (a pearl).

Permnnent, te, a. Tumau, tutumau (permanent, lasting).

Permettre, v. a. Tuù, tuù mai (to permit, to allow). —, rendre licite, Faàtaga (to give leave, to take off prohibition).

Permutation, sf. 'O le fesuiai (permutation).

Pernicieux, se, a. Leaga (pernicious, hurtful).

Perpendiculaire, a. Tu, faàtu (perpendicular).

Perpétuellement, adv. Pea, e le mapu (continually).

'A perpétuité, E faàvavau (for ever).

Persécuter, v. a. Faàsauâ (to persecute).

Persévérer, v. n. Tumau, Pea ajouté au verbe (to persevere).

Persister, v. n. Tumau (to persevere, to continue firm).

Personne, sf. 'O le tagata (man or woman). —, nul, E leai se, e leai se tasi (nobody, none)

Personnellement, adv. Matua devant le verbe (in person).

Perspicacité, sf. 'O le atamai tele (penetration, acuteness).

Persuasion, sf. 'O le taofi(belief, opinion).

Perte, sf. 'O le maumau (loss).

Perturbateur, sm. 'O le tagata faànunuvale (a disturber).

Pervers, e, a. Leaga, loto leaga (bad, wicked).

Pervertir, v. a. Faàsesê (to pervert, to corrupt).

Pesamment, adv. Mamafa (heavily).

Pesant, e, a. Mamafa (heavy).

Pesanteur, sf. 'O le mamafa (heaviness).

Peser, v. a. Fua (to weigh).

Peste, sf. 'O le faàmai oti (pest, plague).

Péter, v. n. Taepu (to break wind).

Pétiller, v. n. Talali (to crackle).

Petit, e, a. La iti, sáásáá, iti (little, short, young).

Se pétrifier, v. r. Liu maà (to become into stone).

Pétrir, v. a. Palu le falaoa (to knead).

Peu, adv. Itiiti, toaitiiti peu de gens (little, few, few people).

Peuple, sm. 'O le nuù, 'O le pitomalo (people, nation).

Peur, sf. 'O le fefey 'O le mataù (fear, fright) : Avoir—, Mataù (to fear); de peur de... Nei (for fear of).

Peut-être, adv. Âtonu, âfono (perhaps).

Phare, sm. 'O le sulu i tai (a light-house).

Physionomie, sf. 'O le mata (face, look).

Piastrc, sf. 'O le tâlâ (dollar).

Pièce, sf. portion, 'O le tipiga, tufaaga 'O le fasi (bit, piece, portion). — d'argent, 'O le tupe (a coin, a piece of money).

Pied, sm. 'O le vae (foot).

Piège, sm. 'O le mailei (snare).

Pierre, sf. 'O le maà (a stone).

Piété, sf. 'O le loto toàga i le A tua (devotion).

Piétiner, v. a. Soli (to strike the ground severaltimes with one's feet).

Piffre, esse, a. 'Ai tele (a glutton).

Pigeon, sm. 'O le lupe (pigeon).

Pigeonneau, sm. 'O le tâma i lupe (young pigeon).

Pile, sf. 'O le faupuega (a heap).

Piler, v. a. Tuitui (to beat in a mortar).

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Piller, sm. 'O lepoutu (a pillar, a column).

Pillage, sm. 'O le vetega (plunder).

Piller, v. a. Vete, gaoi (to rob, to plunder).

Pilote, sm. 'O le pailate, 'O le faàofivaà (a pilot).

Pilule, sf. 'O le vai folo (a pill).

Piment, sm. 'O le polo (pimento).

Pimpant, te, a. Faàmanaia (gay, gaudy, smarl).

Pin, sm. 'O le paina (pine, pinetree).

Pincettes, sf. pl. 'O le aiofi (tongs).

Pipe, sf. 'O le paipa (a pipe).

Piquant, e, a. Matuilui (pricking, prickly).

Pirate, sm. 'O le vaà gaoi i tai (pirate, a sea robber).

Pire, a. Ua sili lona le aga i... (worse).

Pirogue, sf. 'O le vaà, à samoa (a canoe).

Pisser, v. n. et v. a. Mimi (to make water).

Pistolet, sm. 'O le fana puùpuù (pistol).

Pitié, sf. 'O le tigâ i le alofa (pity, compassion).

Place, sf. lieu public, 'O le malae (square). —, lieu, endroit, 'O le fasi (place). —, emploi, 'O le faiva (office). —, ville de guerre, 'O le òlo (fortress, stronghold).

Place! interj. Soso atu! 'O èse ia! (make room, clear the way).

Placer, v. a. Tuù, fafao (to place, to put in). Se —, Nofo (to sit).

Plage, sf. 'O le malafaga (seashore).

Plaie, sf. 'O le manuà (a wound, sore).

Se plaindre, v. r. Talofa! (to complain).

Plaine, sf. 'O le mea mafolafola (a plain, a field).

Plainte, sf. 'O le aue (complaint).

Plaire, v. n. Faàfiafia, Fiafia ai (to please).

Plaisant, sm. 'O le tagata tausua (a joker, a jester).

Plaisanter, v. n. et v. a. Ula, tausua (to jest, to banter).

Plaisanterie, sf. 'O le ulaga (jest, banter).

Plaisir, sm. 'O le fiafia (pleasure): Faire —, Alofa (to do a favour).

Planche, sf. 'O le laupapa (plank, board).

Plancher, sm. 'O le fola (a floor).

Planer, v. a. et v. n. Faàusi (to plane, to smooth with a plane).

Plant, sm. plantation, 'O le toga, 'O le toga fai, ulu... (sapling).

Planter, v. a. To, toto (to plant).

Planures, sf. Telega laau (shavings).

Plat, sm. 'O le pa (a dish).

Plébéien, sm. 'O le tagatâ nuù (plebeian).

Plein, e, a. Tumu (full).

Pleurer, v. n. et v. a. Tagi (to weep).

Pleuvoir, v. n. et imp. Ua (to rain).

Pli, sm. 'O le numi (plait, fold). —, habitude, Masani (habit, custom).

Plier, v. a. et v. n. mettre en 2 ou plusieurs plis, Tualua, tuatolu (to fold). —, courber, faàpiò (to bend).

Plisser, v. a. Numi (to plait).

Plomb, sm. — de chasse, 'O le pulu fana (shot).

Plonger, v. n. et v. a. se plonger, v. r. Tofu (to dive, to plunge).

Pluie, sf. 'O le ua (rain).

Plume, sf. le fulu (pen, feather).

Plumer, v. a. Futi (to pluck feathers).

Plupart, sf. 'O le toatele (most part).

Plus, adv. davantage, Alili (more).

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Plusieurs, a. plur. Toatele(several, many).

Pluvieux, se, a. 'O le aso uâ (rainy).

Poche, sf. 'O le ète òfu, ' le àto òfu (a pocket).

Poêle, sf. 'O le faàpaù (a fryingpan).

Poëte, sm. 'O le fatupese (a poet).

Poids, sm. 'O le mamafa (weight, heaviness).

Poignant, e, a. Faàtigâ (painful).

Poignée, sf. 'O le àu (handle).

Poignet, sm. 'O le tapulima (wrist).

Poil, sm. 'O le fulu (hair).

Poilu, e, a. Taufulufulu, fulufulua (hairy).

Poindre, v. n. Faàtoà tupu (to begin to appear).

Poing, sm. 'O le uu (fist) : Se battre à coups de poings, fufusu, fusu (to box).

Point, sm. marque surl l'i, 'O le moti (a point, a full stop) : Point rond.

Point, adv. Le..., te le... (no, not, none).

Pointe, sf. 'O le pito, ò le tui (sharp end). — de terre, ò le tolo-tolo (head-land, foreland, point, promontory).

Pointer, v. a. : — un canon, Faàsaga i.. (to point a cannon).

Pointiller, v. n. et v. a. Finau i mea noa (to dispute about a trifle).

Poison, sm. 'O le mea onà (poison).

Poisson, sm. 'O le ià (fish).

Poitrine, sf. 'O le fatafata (breast, chest). —, 'O le mâmâ (lungs).

Poli, sm. éclat, 'O le pupula (the brighteness). —, a. uni, Molemole (smoothed). —, civil, Lelei (polite).

Politique, a. et sf. Poto, fai poto (artful, cunning, politic).

Polluer, v. a. Faàleaga (to defile, to pollute).

Poltron, sm. Palaai (coward).

Polygame, sm. 'O le tagata nofo lua, nofo tolu, taunonofo (polygamist).

Polype, sm. excroissance de chair, 'O le feè (a polypus).

Pompe, sf. 'O le faàlialia (pomp, pride). — à puiser, 'O le pamu (pump).

Pomper, v. a. Ta le liu, Tata (to pump).

Pompeux, se, a. Matagofie, faàlialia (splendid).

Pondre, sf. Tuufua, Tautuùfua (to lay eggs).

Pont, sm. 'O le ala i le vai, 'O le ala niu (a bridge). — de navire (the deck of a ship).

Populace, sf. 'O tagatâ nuù (the common people, the mob).

Populaire, a. Alofaina e lona nuù (popular).

Populeux, se, a. Tagatâ (populous).

Porc, sm. 'O le puaà (swine).

Porche, sm. 'O le poletito (portico).

Port, sm. 'O le taulaga (port, harbour).

Porte, sf. 'O le faitotoa (door, gate).

Porter, v. a. Ave, amo, tautu (to carry, to bear).

Se porter bien, v. r. Mâlôlô (to be, to do well).

Porteur, se, a. 'O le tagata ave, amo (a bearer).

Portière, sf. 'O le faitotoa (a coach-door).

Portion, sf. 'O le vaega, 'O le tufaàga, 'O le fasi mea (portion, part, piece).

Portique, sm. 'O le poletito (a portico).

Portrait, sm. 'O le faàtusa, 'O le.faàtagata (portrait, picture).

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Posé, e, a. Faàtoeaina (grave, steady).

Poser, v. a. et v. n. Faàee aé, faàee ifo, Tuù (to lay, to set, to put, to place). — sur, tietie (to rest).

Positif, tive, v. a. Tonu (certain, sure).

Possédé, e, a. Uluitinoina (one possessed with an evil spirit).

Posséder, v. a. Maua (to possess, to have). —, savoir, Iloa, maàtinoa (to know). Se —, v. r. Faàmaumau (to have an entire power over one's self).

Possesseur, sm. E ona le... (proprietor, possessor, owner).

Possession, sf. : prise de — (occupancy). Mettre en —, Faànofo (to invest).

Possible, a. Mafai (possible).

Poste, sf. (post, post-office).

Poster, v. a. Tuù i (to place).

Postérité, sf. 'O fanau, 'O le fanauga (posterity, descendants).

Postuler, v. a. Momoli lona manaà (to desire admittance, to be candidate).

Pot, sm. vase, etc., Ipu, ulo, vai (a pot).

Potage, sm. 'O le supo (soup).

Potager, sm. et a.: jardin —, 'O le lotoa (a kitchen-garden).

Poteau, sm. 'O le pou (post, stake).

Potelé, a. Putaàfa (plump).

Potion, sf. 'O le inumaga (draught).

Pou, sm.: — des vêtements. 'O le tuma; — de la tête, 'O le ùtu (a louse).

Poudre, sf. poussière, 'O le efuefu (powder, dust). — à fusil, 'O le one (powder). — à vers, pour encre, etc. (powder).

Poudrière, sf. 'O le àto one (powder-box).

Pouffer, v. n.: — de rire, Pa i àta (to burst out into laughter).

Pouilleux, se, a. 'Utua (lousy).

Poule, sf. 'O le moa (hen).

Poulet, sm. 'O le tâma i moa (chick, chicken).

Pouls, sm. 'O le manava (pulse).

Poumon, sm. 'O le mâmâ (the lungs).

Poupe, sf. 'O le taumuli (poop).

Pour, prép. E..., na te... (for, in order to).

Pourparler, sm. Tautalaga (conference).

Pourpre, sf. couleur, Mûmû (purple colour).

Pourquoi? conj. I sea? onâ? ua? (why, for what reason?). C'est —, 'O le mea lea..., o lea... (therefore).

Pourri, e, a. Popo pala, elo (rotten, to smell rotten).

Pourrir, v. a. Faàpala (to make putrid, to putrify). —, v. n. Pala (lo grow putrid).

Pourriture, sf. 'O le alou, 'O lepe (putrefaction).

Poursuite, sf.'O le tuliga (pursuit).

Poursuivre, v. a. Tuliloay alualu (to pursue, to endeavour, to attain).

Pourtant, conj. Lava, à la fin de la phrase (however).

Pourvoir, v. a. Tausi, sauniuni, foai (to provide, to furnish, to supply).

Pourvu que, conj. Peafai (provided that).

Pousser, v. a. — comme pour renverser, Tulei (to shove, to push). —, v. n. croître, Tupu (germinate).

Poussière, sf. 'O le efuefu (dust).

Poussin, sm. 'O le lâma i moa (a young chick).

Pouvoir, sm. autorité, 'O le pule (power). —, gouvernement, 'O le malo (authority).

Pouvoir, v. n. et v. a. Mafai (to be able) : Je ne puis empêcher, Ou te le mafai ona vavao (i cannot forbid).

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Pratique, sf. 'O lona fai (practice): Pratiques secrètes, 'O togafiti, ò mailei (underhand dealings, or designs).

Pratiquer, v. a. Fai (to do, to perform). —, hanter, Feoai ma (to frequent).

Précaution, sf. Faàeteete (caution).

Précédent, e, a. Muamua (procedent).

Précéder, v. a. Muamua (to precede, to go before).

Précepte, sm. 'O le poloaiga (precept, commandment).

Précepteur, sm. 'O le tausi, taitai tama (preceptor, teacher).

Prècher, v. a. Talai le afioga a le Atua lauga (to preach).

Précieux, se, a. Taugatâ, aoga (precious, valuable, costly).

Précipitamment, adv. Tele vave naua, faàtalise (hastily).

Précipiter, v. a. Faàtitô (to precipitate, to throw headlong).

Précis, e, a. tonu, tatau (precise, exact). —, sm. 'O le tala otooto (summary).

Préconiser, v. a. Viviiatu, faàncenee (to extol).

Précurseur, sm. O le muamua (forerunner).

Prédicateur, sm. 'O le fai lauga (a preacher).

Prédication, sf. 'O le lauga (a sermon).

Prédiction, sf. 'O le valoaga (a prediction).

Prélérable, a. Ua sili i, Ua sili lona aoga (preferable).

Préfinir, v. a. Alofa, tuù po (to fix, to appoint).

Préjudiciable, a. Leaga (hurtful).

Prélever, v. a. Muai tuù èse (to take beforehand from).

Prémices, sf. plur. 'O mea polopolo (first fruits).

Premier, ère, a. et sm. 'O le uluai, ò le muamua (first, former).

Premièrement, adv. Muai (first).

Premier-né, sm. 'O le uluma-tua (first-born).

Prendre, v. a. Tago (to take). —, s'emparer, Fao, puè (to seize). —, recevoir, Tali (to receive). —, avaler, Folo (to swallow). —, commencer, Faàtoà (to begin).

Se préoccuper, v. r. Popole (to be preoccupated).

Préparatif, sm. 'O le teuteu, ò le sauniuni, ò le toonai, ò le taoso (preparative).

Préparation, sf. 'O le sauniga (getling ready, preparation).

Préparer, v. a. Sauniuni (to prepare, to make ready).

Préposer, v. a. charger du soin de..., Tuù e tausi (to give the charge of).

Près, prép. Latalata, i tafatafa (near, nigh to, close).

Présager, v. a. Valo, manamana (to presage, to portend).

Prescrire, v. a. Poloai (to prescribe, to order, to direct).

Présent, sm. don, 'O le mea alofa (a présent, gift). —, le temps présent, Ona po nei (present time). à —, I ona po nei (now, at this time).

Présenter, v. a. Lau atu (to offer, to present).

Préserver, v. a. Faàsao (to save).

Présider, v. n. et v. a. Pule (to preside).

Présomption, sf. conjecture, 'O le mate, 'O le matega (conjecture). —, vanité, 'O le mimita (pride).

Présomptueux, se, a. Faáfia poto, malosi, etc. (proud).

Presque, adv. Tali, tai (almost).

Pressant, e, a. urgent, Tauanau (urging).

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Presse, sf. foule, 'O le vao tagata (crowd).

Pressé, e, a. Taalise, tele talise (in haste, in a hurry).

Pressentir, v. a. Mate (to foresee, to foreknow).

Presser, v. a. comprimer, Tatao (to compress). —, hâter, Tili, faàtaalise (to hast en, to quicken). —, urger, Nati (to urge).

Preste, a. Vave, faàtaalise (quick, nimble).

Présumer, v. a. Mate, manatu (to think, to suppose).

Prêt, e, a. Teuteu, sauniuni (ready, prepared)

Prétendre, v. a. et v. n. Finau atu, manaò (to claim).—, loto i (to intend, to mean).

Prétentieux, se, a. Faàfia mea (affected).

Prêter, v. a. Nô, nonô (to lend).

Prétexte, sm. 'O le ufiufi (pretext, pretence).

Prêtre, sm. 'O le pelepitelo (a priest).

Preuve, sf. marque, 'O le faàiloga (proof).

Prévenir, v. a. venir le premier, Muamua (to go the first). —, informer, logologo, faàtonu, faàilo atu (to inform).

Prévoir, v. a. Mate, muai vaai (to foreknow, to foresee).

Prier, v. n. et v. a. Talotalo, tatalo (to pray). —, demander, 'Ole atu (to beg). — avec instance, Aioi atu (to implore). —, inviter, Valaau, talai (to invite).

Prière, sf. 'O le talotaloga (prayer).

Primitivement, adv. Anamua i le àmataga (originally, at first).

Prince, sm. 'O le taitai (prince).

Principe, sm. 'O le tupuaga, 'O le fuaga (principle).

Prise, sf. 'O le puèga (capture, arrest, taking possession).

Prison, sf. 'O le fale puipui (prison).

Privation, sf. 'O le oge mea, 'O le mativa (want).

Priverde... v. a. Fao (to rob, to de prive).

Prix, sm. 'O le tau, 'O le faàtusa.—, récompense, 'O le totogi, 'O le sini (reward, price, value).

Probablement, adv. Ai (likely).

Probation, sf. 'O le faàlaitai (trial, noviciate).

Probe, a. honnête, Amio lelei (honest).

Problématique, a. Faàletonu (uncertain).

Procédé, sm. 'O le togafiti (dealing).

Procéder, v. n. venir de.., Mafua i, malaga i (to proceed, to arise from).

Procession, sf. 'O le malaga sa (procession).

Prochaiu, e, a. A sau, a vaaia (near. next).

Proche, prép. et a. Lata i(near, next to).

Proches, sm. plur. 'O àiga (relations).

Proclamer, v. a. Taù atu, faàali atu (to proclaim).

Prodige, sm. 'O le vavega (wonder).

Produire, v. a. Fua (to produce, to bear). —, faire, Fai (to make, to cause).

Profaner, v. a. Faàleaga, soli mea paia (to profane, to violate).

Proférer, v. a. Taû (to utter, to speak).

Professer, v. a. Taùtaù atu (to declare publickly). —, enseigner, Aòaò (to teach).

Profession, sf. état, métier, 'O le faiva (office, employaient).

Profiler, v. n. croitre, augmenter, tupu (to improve). —, être utile, Aoga, ua aoga (to be of use, of advantage).

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Profond, e, a. Maulalo, loloto (low, deep). —, savant, poto (learned). —, grand, tele (great).

Profondeur, sf. 'O le loloto (depth).

Prohiber, v. a. Tapui, faàsa (to prohibit, to forbid).

Proie, sf. butin, Vetega (plunder, prey).

Projection, sf. 'O le togi (casting).

Projeter, v. a. : — un Malaga, fou se malaga (to project).

Prolonger, v. a. Faàumi (to make longer).

Promener, v. a., se promener, v. r. Tafao (to walk).

Promesse, sf. 'O le folafolaga (promise).

Promettre, v. a. folafola (to promise), se —, v.r. espérer, faàtalitali (to hope).

Promontoire, sm. 'O le tolotolo (headland, cape).

Prompt, e, a. Taalise, tele vave (hasty, quick).

Promptement, adv. faàtaalise (speedily, quickly).

Promulguer, v. a. faàali, taùatu (to publish).

Prône, sm. sermon, 'O le lauga (familiar sermon).

Prôner, v. a. Vivii atu (to praise, to extol).

Prononcer, v. a. Lau atu (to pronounee). —, déclarer, juger, taxi atu, faàiù, faàmasino (to decide).

Prononciation, sf. 'O le lafo o le ùpu (pronunciation).

Pronostiquer, v. a. Valo vavalo (foretell).

Propager, v. a. faàsalalau (to, propagate). Se —, v. r. Salalau (to spread).

Prophète, sm. 'O le polofeta, O' le valo (a seer, a prophet).

Prophétiser, v. a. Valo, vavalo (to predict, to foretell).

Proportionner, v. a. faàtatau (to proportion).

Propos, sm. 'O le tautalaga (talk, conversation). A —, adv. taigalemu (opportunely).

Proposer, v. a. offrir, Fai atu (to propose, to offer). Se —, v. r. Tuù i lona loto (to intend).

Propre, a. convenable, Ao (fit, suitable). —, net, mâmâ (clean, neat). —, sm. O le mafiuga (peculiar quality).

Proprement, adv. ma le tautau lelei (cleanly, neatly).

Propriétaire, sm. E ona le... (owner).

Propriété, sf. 'O le mea (a property) : 'O la ta mea (my property).

Prorata, sm. Au—, adv. faàtatau lelei ma. (in proportion to)...

Proscrire, v. a. tutuli, tafi (to banish, to expel).

Prosélyte, sm. 'O le faàtoà lotu (a convert).

Prospère, a. Manuia (successful, fortunate).

Prospérité, sf. 'O le manuia (success, good fortune).

Protecceur, sm. 'O le puipui, 'O le fesoasoani (defender, protector).

Protection, sf. 'O le fesoasoani (protection).

Protéger, v. a. puipui, fesoasoani (to defend, to protect).

Proue, sf. 'O le taumua (prow).

Provenant de..., a. Tupu mai (coming, proceeding).

Provenir de..., v. n. Tupu mai (to proceed, to come)

Proverbe, sm. 'O le muagagana (proverb, cornmon saying).

Province, sf. 'O le itû (province).

Provisions, sf. plur. : — de voyage, 'O le oso (victuals).

Provoquer, v a. Lui atu, sema le nafa au taufetaaiga (to challenge).

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Prudemment, adv. Ma le faàutauta (discreetly).

Prudence, sf. 'O le faàutauta (prudence).

Prunelle, sf.: — de l'œil, 'O le tâma i mata (pupil of the eye).

Puanteur, sf. 'O le elo (bad smell).

Public, sm. 'O le toatele (the public). —, ique, a. ua lau iloa (notorious).

Publication, sf. 'O le faàaliga, 'O le tau atu (publication).

Publier, v. a. Tau atu, faàali (to publish, to make known).

Puce, sf. 'O le ùtu fili (flea).

Pucelle, sf. vierge, 'O le taupou (a virgin).

Pudeur, sf. 'O le faàtoeaina modesty).

Puer, v. n. Namu leaga, elo (to smell strong).

Puérilement, adv. faàtamaiti (childishly).

Pugilat, sm. 'O le fusu (boxing).

Puis, adv. mulimuli ane (then, afterwards).

Puiser, v. a. utu (to draw up, to fetch up).

Puisque, conj. afai (since).

Puissance, sf. 'O le pule (power). —, force, 'O le malosi (strength). —, nation, 'O le nuù,'O le pitomalo.

Puissant, e, a. malosi (powerful, mighty).

Puits, sm. 'O le vai èli (well).

Pulluler, v. n. Tupu tele (to multiply).

Piilmonic, sf. 'O le mâmâ pala (consumption).

Punir, v. a. faàsala (to punish).

Punition, sf. 'O le sala (punishment).

Pur, e, a. màmâ lelei (pure). —, sans mélange, E le filogia (mere). —, chaste, loto màmâ (innocent). —, correct, tonu (exact).

Pureté, sf. 'O le loto màmâ, 'O le pupula,'O le manino (clearness).

Purger, v. a. faàtatáá le manava (to purge). —, faàmâmâ (to clean).

Purgatoire, sm. 'O pulekatolio (purgatory).

Purifier, v. a. faàmámâ (to purify).

Pus, sm. 'O le alou, 'O le pe (pus, matter).

Pusillanime, a. loto iti fefe (pusillanimous).

Putréfait, e, a. elo (putrified).

Putride, a. elo (putrid).

Putridité, sf. 'O le elo (putridity).