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The Auckland Regiment

Deaths in New Zealand—Unclassified

Deaths in New Zealand—Unclassified

12/556 Private Bickerton, Chas, Frederick 6/11/18
12/2569 Private Chitty, Albert Ernest 13/1/18
46852 Private Coad, Wm. Ernest 27/11/18
12/3316 L.-Corporal Ferguson, Edwin John Alex. 21/11/18 page 323
12/1963 Private Greensides, Ernest 24/11/18
12/359 Private Gemming, Thos. Alfred 26/4/17
12/756 Private Henderson, Henry 8/3/20
52202 Private Hamilton, George 17/11/18
12/933 Private Long, Alfred Eric St. George 8/7/19
48982 Private Moore, Edward 3/7/20
12/2049 Private McConkey, Thomas Alfred 23/12/15
12/2078 Private Paufai, Hono 6/11/18
12/2467 Private Shepherd, Frederick W. 26/12/18
12/1499 Private Shannon, Leslie Richard 9/1/16
12/2591 Corporal Troward, Thomas Albany 21/5/18
12/1831 Private Whittle, Thomas 6/11/18
12/2029 Private Yeend, Henry Wm. 10/1/17

In list of deaths the word France includes Belgium.

"Their memory endureth for ever."

"To you from failing hands we throw
The torch. Be yours to lift it high.
If ye break faith with us who die,
We shall not sleep, though poppies grows On Flanders fields."

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"O Lord, since first the blood of Abel cried to Thee from the ground that drank it, this earth of Thine has been defiled with the blood of man shed by his brother's hand, and the centuries sob with the ceaseless horror of war. Ever the pride of kings and the covetousness of the strong have driven peaceful nations to slaughter. Ever the songs of the past and the pomp of armies have been used to inflame the passions of the people. Our spirit cries out to Thee in revolt against it, and we know that our righteous anger is answered by Thy holy wrath.

"Break Thou the spell of the enchantments that make the nations drunk with the lust of battle and draw them on as willing tools of death. Grant us a quiet and steadfast mind when our own nation clamours for vengeance or aggression. Strengthen our sense of justice and our regard for the equal worth of other peoples and races. Grant to the rulers of nations faith in the possibility of peace through justice, and grant to the common people a new and stern enthusiasm for the cause of peace. Bless our soldiers and sailors for their swift obedience and their willingness to answer to the call of duty, but inspire them none the less with a hatred of war, and may they never for love oj private glory or advancement provoke its coming. May our young men still rejoice to die for their country with the valour of their fathers, but teach our age nobler methods of matching our strength and more effeclive ways of giving our life for the flag.

"O Thou strong Father of all nations, draw all Thy great family together with an increasing sense of our common blood and destiny, that peace may come on earth at last, and Thy sun may shed its light rejoicing on a holy brotherhood of peoples.,"

—Walter Rauschenbusch

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