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The Founders of Canterbury

William Hutt, Esq

William Hutt, Esq.

Chateau Mabille, Boulogne, 18th December, 1848.

My Dear Hutt,

—I am sure you will be glad to hear from me (though you may see it advertised for January) that my book (Godley calls it "Mrs. Harris" as being much talked about but never seen) is all but ready for the printer. Indeed, it has been ready for some time, except as regards cutting down and polishing up the rough material. I expect to take the M.S. to London a few days before the new year, and to get it published before the end of January.

Having taken pains to make it as complete in all the branches of its subject, as is in my power, and having reason to think, from the opinion of others, that it will please the public (especially that class to which your brother's colleagues in the Canterbury Association belong) I want to gratify myself by dedicating it to him in the following words:—

This book is affectionately dedicated to John Hutt, Esq.,

Late Governor of Western Australia,

Who more than any other individual known to me, has combined study and experience in learning the Art of Colonization.

I cannot ask his leave, because his modesty would say, No. But thinking it just possible the proposed dedication might cross some object of his or yours in Downing-street, I also think it right to ask your leave. If you say Yes (which I very much desire), pray do not mention to John that you page 33have even heard from me. For, at all events, the terms of such a dedication ought first to be seen by him in print so as to give him no opportunity of saying Yes or No.

Poor Charles Buller! he was with me twice lately, and would have revised my manuscript critically, if he had lived but a few weeks longer.

Do not forget to present my respects to Lady Strathmore; and when you write (though there ought to have been a fresh paragraph for this), tell me how Talbot goes on. I have a magnificent Highland deer-hound, six months old, of a unique breed, got with great difficulty by a friend in Scotland, where the owners of the finest deer-hound stock will never, if they know it, let an Englishman get a bitch, as mine is. Prince Albert has dogs: in due time you may be in the way of having a puppy.