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The Journal of Edward Ward 1850-51

Wednesday, October 23rd

page 55

Wednesday, October 23rd

Great hustle this morning getting boxes up from the hold. Got up my linen chest and exchanged for a stock of dirty linen, a set of clean shirts, stockings & etceteras. Shot a Cape hen at the stern with a single gun of Woolcot's. Wind allowing us a S.W. course and blowing steadily and cool. Passengers becoming disinclined to sit on deck. Everything seems quite changed and as if we were beginning a new voyage or a new life. But every one much brisker and more cheerful than during the heat. Latitude at noon 26.45. A ship during the forenoon in sight far to windward. In the evening after prayers (which have been altered from nine to half past seven, with advantage) danced a reel till nine o'clock.