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The Journal of Edward Ward 1850-51

Saturday, April 19th

page 171

Saturday, April 19th

Calm, fine day, but frosty—good working weather. Waited the greater part of the morning for a meeting of the Church Trustees (answering to Churchwardens) of whom I was one. The regulations for the disposition of the offertory collection were determined on. After that, dinner. Willy went in search of the bull and found him a good distance off. Plaisted, our neighbour, died this morning of fever; he had been ailing long. Took a man from the beach with me to the Island, towing Wortley's boat. With the aid of both boats we got the firewood for the lime kiln brought round. The kiln was built and ready. The weather-boarding of the front was going on well—the foundation of the kitchen chimney just commenced. Hamilton going on well—walking about a good deal in his greatcoat.