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Victoria University College Capping Carnival. Wed. & Thurs., May 12th & 13th, 1920

Presentation to the Prince of Wales from the Maoris of "Te Waipounamu," or the Island of Greenstone (the South Island). The top picture shows a handsome presentation set of six greenstone liqueur beakers and a greenstone tray with an 18 ct. gold frame to hold the beakers. This set is fitted into a beautiful polished totara knot case surmounted with a silver kiwi on greenstone slab, and having an 18 ct. gold plate, with presentation inscription thereon. With this set was also presented a large g…

Presentation to the Prince of Wales from the Maoris of "Te Waipounamu," or the Island of Greenstone (the South Island). The top picture shows a handsome presentation set of six greenstone liqueur beakers and a greenstone tray with an 18 ct. gold frame to hold the beakers. This set is fitted into a beautiful polished totara knot case surmounted with a silver kiwi on greenstone slab, and having an 18 ct. gold plate, with presentation inscription thereon. With this set was also presented a large greenstone leaf ash tray, a gold-mounted amber and green stone cigarette tube (shown in middle picture), and which was also fitted into a polished totara knot case with gold Prince of Wales feathers and inscription plate. All of the above were supplied by Messrs. W. LITTLEJOHN & SON, Jewellers, Watchmakers, &c, 222-224 LAMBTON QUAY - WELLINGTON.