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Victoria University College Students' Association. Annual Capping Carnival 'Struth. Grand Opera House, Wellington, 10th, 11th, 12th May, 1922

His Ambassador. The silent, yet eloquent message of esteem—a box of Pascall's Exquisite Chocolates. It's easy to say "Pascall's Chocolates" but it is hard to equal their delicious fillings. Pascall Chocolates In boxes or by weight. No other confection equals these chocolates that reach you with unimpaired freshness. A. A. Stitchbury & Co., Wellington, N.Z. Representatives. Goldberg 8

His Ambassador. The silent, yet eloquent message of esteem—a box of Pascall's Exquisite Chocolates. It's easy to say "Pascall's Chocolates" but it is hard to equal their delicious fillings. Pascall Chocolates In boxes or by weight. No other confection equals these chocolates that reach you with unimpaired freshness. A. A. Stitchbury & Co., Wellington, N.Z. Representatives. Goldberg 8