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O Extravaganza! The Great Extrav Reunion Weekend & Capping Revue Revival [1993]

Don't tell the Minister of Police, but these beautiful Victoria University ballerinas are actually guys in drag. It all goes to show just how depraved Vic students used to be, for the photo was taken at a student Extravaganza in the Opera House around 1935. Memories of such goings-on will be revived soon at an Extrav retrospective in the Memorial Theatre — see page 10

Don't tell the Minister of Police, but these beautiful Victoria University ballerinas are actually guys in drag. It all goes to show just how depraved Vic students used to be, for the photo was taken at a student Extravaganza in the Opera House around 1935. Memories of such goings-on will be revived soon at an Extrav retrospective in the Memorial Theatre — see page 10.

Don't tell the Minister of Police, but these beautiful Victoria University ballerinas are actually guys in drag. It all goes to show just how depraved Vic students used to be, for the photo was taken at a student Extravaganza in the Opera House around 1935. Memories of such goings-on will be revived soon at an Extrav retrospective in the Memorial Theatre — see page 10.