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New Zealand's First Refugees: Pahiatua's Polish Children

May 1997. Inside the kitchen at Kopua Monastery, Hawke's Bay, which was once one of the buildings at the camp. — (l-r) Stefania Zawada, Józef Zawada, a Kopua Monastery monk, Mieczysław Zawada

May 1997. Inside the kitchen at Kopua Monastery, Hawke's Bay, which was once one of the buildings at the camp.(l-r) Stefania Zawada, Józef Zawada, a Kopua Monastery monk, Mieczysław Zawada

May 1997. Inside the kitchen at Kopua Monastery, Hawke's Bay, which was once one of the buildings at the camp.
(l-r) Stefania Zawada, Józef Zawada, a Kopua Monastery monk, Mieczysław Zawada