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Salient: Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Vol. 24, No. 11. 1961

In the Designing, Equipping, Lighting and Draping of the stage of the STUDENT UNION MEMORIAL THEATRE The Architects were assisted by JOAN & RUSSELL REID LIMITED The only Professional Theatre Consultants in New Zealand Stage Lighting Equipment by THE STRAND ELECTRIC & ENGINEERING Co. Ltd., London Suspension and Scenic Equipment by HALL STAGE EQUIPMENT Ltd., London N.Z. Representative of these world-famous firms are: JOAN & RUSSELL REID LIMITED 6 Boulcott Street, Wellington

In the Designing, Equipping, Lighting and Draping of the stage of the STUDENT UNION MEMORIAL THEATRE The Architects were assisted by JOAN & RUSSELL REID LIMITED The only Professional Theatre Consultants in New Zealand Stage Lighting Equipment by THE STRAND ELECTRIC & ENGINEERING Co. Ltd., London Suspension and Scenic Equipment by HALL STAGE EQUIPMENT Ltd., London N.Z. Representative of these world-famous firms are: JOAN & RUSSELL REID LIMITED 6 Boulcott Street, Wellington