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Salient: Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Vol. 24, No. 11. 1961

"Glad you decided on the best..." Architects know that it isn't only the building material that counts. It's everything that goes into the building. Architects know that good foundations are not enough, even though they are essential. The final effect of their planning is achieved by using the best finishing, the best furniture, the best floor coverings . . . and, of course, the best Venetian blinds. That's why Luxaflex blinds are specified for the best new buildings everywhere. THE LUXAFLEX BL…

"Glad you decided on the best..." Architects know that it isn't only the building material that counts. It's everything that goes into the building. Architects know that good foundations are not enough, even though they are essential. The final effect of their planning is achieved by using the best finishing, the best furniture, the best floor coverings . . . and, of course, the best Venetian blinds. That's why Luxaflex blinds are specified for the best new buildings everywhere. THE LUXAFLEX BLINDS IN THE STUDENT UNION BUILDING WERE MANUFACTURED AND FITTED BY Airflow Blinds limited The Esplanade, Petone Telephone 60-979