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The Spike or Victoria College Review, October 1903

FOR ARTISTIC PRINTING RING UP 1651 Commercial Printers 50 VICTORIA STREET HALF-TONE BLOCKS JOB PRINTING BOOKBINDING RUBBER STAMPS OFFICE REQUISITES PROMPT PERSONEL ATTENTION TO CLIENTS WELLINGTON Johnson & Sons Mercantile Stationers "As Minister o' Lands I maun pint out that the proper place for our lads and lasses is on the Ian' and a want to ken—will algebra learn a lass to milk a coo, or a deed language shift a team o' bullocks"

FOR ARTISTIC PRINTING RING UP 1651 Commercial Printers 50 VICTORIA STREET HALF-TONE BLOCKS JOB PRINTING BOOKBINDING RUBBER STAMPS OFFICE REQUISITES PROMPT PERSONEL ATTENTION TO CLIENTS WELLINGTON Johnson & Sons Mercantile Stationers "As Minister o' Lands I maun pint out that the proper place for our lads and lasses is on the Ian' and a want to ken—will algebra learn a lass to milk a coo, or a deed language shift a team o' bullocks"