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The Spike: or, Victoria University College Review, June 1921

HOPE BROS. 83-85 CUBA STREET AND 53-55 DIXON STREET are the cheapest Firm in New Zealand for MEN'S OUTFITTING Best quality Collars, all shapes and sizes, 1 /- All-wool Cashmere Sox, 2/11 to 4/11 High-grade Boots, 25/-, 30/- Suits, Ready Made, 65/-to 95/- Suits, to Measure, from £5/-/- etc., etc

HOPE BROS. 83-85 CUBA STREET AND 53-55 DIXON STREET are the cheapest Firm in New Zealand for MEN'S OUTFITTING Best quality Collars, all shapes and sizes, 1 /- All-wool Cashmere Sox, 2/11 to 4/11 High-grade Boots, 25/-, 30/- Suits, Ready Made, 65/-to 95/- Suits, to Measure, from £5/-/- etc., etc.