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The Spike: or, Victoria University College Review, June 1921

GOOD TEETH FOR MENTAL EFFICIENCY! To take full advantage of your educational possibilities you must have good teeth. Toothache, indigestion, nervousness, neuralgia and headaches are all opposed to concentration and study. Mental efficiency demands good sound teeth. Visit the American Dental Parlors and have your mouth examined. Fillings and extractions painlessly performed. Crowns, plates and bridge-work carefully and skilfully done. Make an appointment-Telephone or call. We're always punctual …

GOOD TEETH FOR MENTAL EFFICIENCY! To take full advantage of your educational possibilities you must have good teeth. Toothache, indigestion, nervousness, neuralgia and headaches are all opposed to concentration and study. Mental efficiency demands good sound teeth. Visit the American Dental Parlors and have your mouth examined. Fillings and extractions painlessly performed. Crowns, plates and bridge-work carefully and skilfully done. Make an appointment-Telephone or call. We're always punctual AMERICAN DENTAL PARLORS (Note New Address) McDONALD BUILDING, Willis Street (Next Albert Hotel) E. R. GRESHAM. Dentist. Telephone 2920