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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1935. Volume 6. Number 11.

"Carry on" with Summer Warmth! The dark days of Winter can be made supremely comfortable with a Radiation "Beam" Gas Fire. Clean warmth, that feels soft and stimulating, is the "Beam" gas fire's contribution to healthy Winter homes. And gas fires are economical because their heat is "on tap" and there's no expense for gas when not in use. "Beam" Gas Fires In the new colour finishes may be seen at our Showrooms. Wellington Gas Company Limited

"Carry on" with Summer Warmth! The dark days of Winter can be made supremely comfortable with a Radiation "Beam" Gas Fire. Clean warmth, that feels soft and stimulating, is the "Beam" gas fire's contribution to healthy Winter homes. And gas fires are economical because their heat is "on tap" and there's no expense for gas when not in use. "Beam" Gas Fires In the new colour finishes may be seen at our Showrooms. Wellington Gas Company Limited