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Pacific Saga: the personal chronicle of the 37th Battalion and its part in the Third Division's Campaign

Top right is a scene at Nissan where men of the battalion assisted with the unloading of heavy stores. The small picture, inset, was taken over-looking Nouméa Harbour at the conclusion of operations. Amphibious training meant hard work for everyone. At the foot of the page is a scene on the beach with members of the battalion unloading' landing' craft

Top right is a scene at Nissan where men of the battalion assisted with the unloading of heavy stores. The small picture, inset, was taken over-looking Nouméa Harbour at the conclusion of operations. Amphibious training meant hard work for everyone. At the foot of the page is a scene on the beach with members of the battalion unloading' landing' craft.

Top right is a scene at Nissan where men of the battalion assisted with the unloading of heavy stores. The small picture, inset, was taken over-looking Nouméa Harbour at the conclusion of operations. Amphibious training meant hard work for everyone. At the foot of the page is a scene on the beach with members of the battalion unloading' landing' craft.