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Pacific Saga: the personal chronicle of the 37th Battalion and its part in the Third Division's Campaign

Major General H. E. Barrowelough, GOC Third Division, is being introduced to the 37th Battalion's rugby team at Moindah before the final of the Barrow-clough Cup match which the battalion won. Mrs Barrowelough, wife of the GOC, flew to New Caledonia and is seen presenting the cup to A. Long, captain of the battalion team, after the match

Major General H. E. Barrowelough, GOC Third Division, is being introduced to the 37th Battalion's rugby team at Moindah before the final of the Barrow-clough Cup match which the battalion won. Mrs Barrowelough, wife of the GOC, flew to New Caledonia and is seen presenting the cup to A. Long, captain of the battalion team, after the match

Major General H. E. Barrowelough, GOC Third Division, is being introduced to the 37th Battalion's rugby team at Moindah before the final of the Barrow-clough Cup match which the battalion won. Mrs Barrowelough, wife of the GOC, flew to New Caledonia and is seen presenting the cup to A. Long, captain of the battalion team, after the match