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Victoria College Students' Carnival. Thursday and Friday, 27th and 28th June, 1907

Part II. — "The Golden Calf" or "Sundry Shrines and Divers Altars."

Part II.

"The Golden Calf" or "Sundry Shrines and Divers Altars."

Tableau I.—The Brazen Hide.
Solo "The Lay of the Brazen Hide" Mr. A. H. Bogle
Tableau II.—"The Idol Broom."
Solo "A Recipe for Mary Ann." Miss May Newman
Solo "The Turn of the Tied." G. W. Reid
Tableau III.—"The Golden Fleece."
Duet "The Common Fate." Miss D. & Dr. D. N. Isaacs
Tableau IV.—"Pen and Sward."
Solo "The Champion of Cram." Mr. A. W. Newton