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Victoria College Capping Carnival. Thursday, June 27th, 1912

Devils' Chorus

Devils' Chorus.

Chorus: Toorilooriloo, toorilooriladdy.
Satan: Make him rue his sins,
Pop him in the furnace.
(Then a man begins
To feel he's in Avernus.)
Teach him how to cook,
Make him join our revels,—
Lots of fun at last
For black and shiny devils.

Nick: Place for frying souls,
Do 'em by the drayload;
That's the reason why
None of us are haloed.
Here is certain proof
We are pals of Pluto's:
(Drat this cloven hoof!
It's hard to walk on two toes!)

Satan: Mephistopheles
Always was a warm 'un.
I am here because
I became a Mormon.
Gave me quite a start,
Coming down to Hades:
Nearly broke my heart
Parting from the ladies.

Nick: Do you see the Frog?
One of the Port Charmers,
But he looks his best
When he's in pyjamas.*
Watch and see him smile.
I would give a tenner
To have him on the rack
Frying in Gehenna.

page 34

Satan: We will never have
Such a roasting time at
Any other place
Or any other climate.
But time is flying fast
(Can't you hear it tickin'?),
So give our kind regards
To Professor Picken.