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Carry on Phil [1960]

Australian Briefs

page 12

Australian Briefs

Death: Joe (Slasher) McCaul, 167 years old. McCaul, was the only surviving convict who came to Botany Bay with Governor Philip. Before he died McCaul claimed to be the oldest man in Australia.

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Secret Movies: Many private investigation firms in Australia are using secret colour movies to disprove compensation claims.

An applicant who had demonstrated before the Court that he was unable to take an interest in sex any longer, was shown on the film demonstrating female clothes in a fashion show.

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Wines: Australian wines received all major places in the world — wide Australian Wines competition held recently. A humorous incident occurred when the gold medal was presented to Crosby Morrison. General Manager for United Breweries Pty Ltd.. of Melbourne, who had previously refused to sell beer to Pubs, because he drinks wines only. "A valiant effort," said someone.

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Marriage: An unusual marriage occurred in Sydney this week. Miss I. A. M. Petrified was married in the local Mosque to twenty-eight different husbands. It is the belief of Australian Moslems that this is the first time ever that this has happened. It can almost be called a reversal of what happens elsewhere, we think.

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Won £30,000: The winner of the latest £30,000 Sydney jackpot was Sir Edward Hailstorm who generously donated £1,000 of it to provide buses for children from outback areas to visit the Taronga Park. After Hotel fees and entrance prices to the Park have been paid, it is expected that approximately one and a half children will be able to make the visit.