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O Extravaganza! The Great Extrav Reunion Weekend & Capping Revue Revival [1993]

Nostalgia Train

Nostalgia Train

George Andrews and fellow veteran Murray Gray are organising an all day "Nostalgia train trip" to Wellington on Friday July 16 for Auckland Extrav survivors. They plan to use the time creatively to rehearse their Extrav contributions – including the revival of some durable characters.

L to R: Planning to reunite at O Extravanganza! are the Green Onions team from 1967: Sharyn Kiddle (now in London), Stephanie Tarrant (from Brisbane), Bobbi Menzies, Pru Meyer, and - if we can find her - Paddy Stephens.

L to R: Planning to reunite at O Extravanganza! are the Green Onions team from 1967: Sharyn Kiddle (now in London), Stephanie Tarrant (from Brisbane), Bobbi Menzies, Pru Meyer, and - if we can find her - Paddy Stephens.