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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Otago & Southland Provincial Districts]

Mr. George Melville Burlinson

Mr. George Melville Burlinson , Manager of the Caversham Industrial School, was born in Kent, England, in 1854, and is a son of Dr N. Burlinson, sometime of Mauritius. He was educated at the Royal College, Mauritius, and afterwards came to New Zealand, where he entered the teaching profession as a member of the staff of the Newton East School, Auckland. In 1887 he was appointed headmaster of the Albert Street School, which was established for the education and training of children, who for various reasons did not attend the ordinary public schools. Five years later he was offered his present appointment, which he accepted. Mr. Burlinson has not only proved a capable manager of the institution over which he now presides, but has also done a great deal, by articles contributed to various daily papers, to stimulate public opinion with respect to the necessity for such institutions. He is Major of the No. 3 Battalion of the Otago Public School Cadets, is a member of the Royal Horticultural Society of England, and President of the Dunedin Horticultural Society.