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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Otago & Southland Provincial Districts]

Adams, Charles

Adams, Charles , Settler, South Oamaru, Mr. Adams was born in 1849, in Somersetshire, England, where he was educated, and brought up as a baker and grocer —a trade which he followed for seven years. His father was a brick and tile manufacturer, and he was also in that line of business for five years. Ho then went to South Wales, where he was employed for four years in coalmining. In 1877 he arrived in Lyttelton by the ship “Waitangi,” and settled in the Oamaru district, with which he has since then been connected. Mr. Adams has been employod chiefly in grain stores, and has been head storeman for the National Mortgage and Agency Company in Oamaru since 1892. In the Old Country he was a member of the Order of Foresters, and brought his clearance to the colony, but is unattached in New Zealand. Mr. Adams has an acre and a half of freehold land in South Oamaru with a residence upon it, and also a quarter-acre section with a house on it. He was married, in 1871, to a daughter of the late Mr. William Preem, of Gloucestershire, England. Mrs Adams died in 1884, leaving three daughters. Mr. Adams has been connected with the Primitive Methodist church and Sunday school in South Oamaru for over twenty years.