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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Otago & Southland Provincial Districts]

Froggatt, Joshua

Froggatt, Joshua , Apiarist and Orchardist, Broadleaf Apiary, Long Bush. Mr Froggatt commenced bee farming in 1879, with two hives, and has gradually increased his stock, until, in 1904, he had 275 boxes, partly of the Langstroth, and partly of his own design. Between seven and eight thousand pounds weight of honey have been produced in a single year. Mr Froggatt has also a very fine variety of fruit trees, chiefly apples, and as much as three tons of fruit have been gathered in a season. The property consists of twenty-six acres of freehold, charmingly situated amidst native bush. Mr Froggatt was born in 1847, in Shropshire, England, where
Gerstenkorn, photo.Mr. J. Froggatt.

Gerstenkorn, photo.
Mr. J. Froggatt.

he was educated and brought up on his father's farm. He arrived at Port Chalmers in 1864, by the ship “Ajmeer,” settled in Southland, and worked for a time at Edendale station, and was afterwards in Invercargill. He worked a small farm at Kennington for several years, and was subsequently employed in sawmilling and flax-milling. At a later period Mr Froggatt commenced farming at the Ridge, Long Bush, but sold out and bought his present property in 1896. He was married, in 1901, to a daughter of the page 1060 late Mr Arthur Ward, of Drummond, and has one son and one daughter.