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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 2, Issue 3 (July 1, 1927)

Locomotive Branch:

Locomotive Branch:

Lowden, R. B., General Foreman, Grade 4, Car and Wagon Depot, Addington, to Workshop Manager, Grade 1, Addington.

Routledge, W. R., Leading Turner, Hillside, to Assistant Workshop Foreman, Grade 6, Hillside.

Bonifant, F., Turner, Invercargill, to Leading Turner, Hillside.

Taylor, A. E., Leading Carpenter, New-market, to Timber Checker, Grade 6, Frankton Junction.

Campbell, R. J. A., Carpenter, Petone, to Leading Carpenter, Newmarket.

Crawford, G. W., Labourer, Otira, to Skilled Labourer, Otira.