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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 2, Issue 3 (July 1, 1927)

Suggestions and Inventions. — Commendations

Suggestions and Inventions.

Ashley, C. J., Stationmaster, Alexandra.-Suggestion that a space for fare should be provided on special handbills and posters issued to stations.

Barnasconi, A., Sewing Machinist, East Town.-Suggested method of repairing tarpaulins.

Brown, W. L. R., Turner, Addington.-Suggested tool for drilling holes in ends of boiler stays.

Baker, C. R., Clerk, Woodville.-Suggestion to facilitate telegraph work at stations.

Conder, H. J., Porter, Levin.-Suggested improvements to handbrakes, and handrails on wagons.

Ellings, A. J., Relief Porter, Wanganui.-Suggestion in connection with sheeting rings on “Ma” wagons.

Hebditch, W., Guard, Frankton Junction.-Suggestion that a central glass partition be erected in the sentinel steam ear to reduce draught.

O'Malley, W., Clerk, Port Chalmers.-Suggestion in regard to the reservation of seats on the Gore-Kingston passenger trains.