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Acts Affecting Native Lands, Etc. (In English and Maori), Passed by the General Assembly, Session 1907.

First Schedule. — Native Land vested in the Crown

First Schedule.
Native Land vested in the Crown.

1. All that piece or parcel of land situate in the Nukumaru Survey District, Blocks I and II: bounded on the north-west by Section 8, Block I, Nukumaru Survey District, 6152-6 links, and part of Rangitatau 1d3, 11518-7 links, to the north-western corner of Section 5, Block II, Nukumaru Survey District; thence in a south-westerly direction, 15549 links, to reserve along the north bank of the Mangapani Stream, following said reserve in a north-westerly direction back to the point of commencement, and containing 237 acres 2 roods 8 perches, more or less.
2. All that piece or parcel of land situate in the Momahaki Survey District, Block XIV: bounded on the north 2061-6 links, on the east 2061-6 links, on the south 2061-6 links, and on the west 2061-6 links, by Section 6, Block XIV, Momahaki Survey District, and containing 42 acres 2 roods, more or less.