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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 10, No. 12. August 20, 1947



The World Youth Festival opened in Prague on July 25, when representatives of 56 nations marched in a colourful procession headed by the delegations of Democratic Spain, Greek, Indonesian and Colonial youth. Behind all the colourful display, there is a grim realisation of the struggle that has made such a celebration possible. After the Festival, volunteers' will go on to do reconstruction work at Lidice and in Yugoslavia.

WFDY is at present preparing a delegation to Spain to investigate the case of 20 young people between 35 and 20 who have been held in prison for many months without trial, nine of whom have been condemned to death. This is the issue on which VUCSA Exec recently sent a telegram protesting to General Franco.