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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 17, No. 16 August 5, 1953



The men's basketball team is somewhat stronger than that of last year. Unfortunately. Dick Walton, through personal reasons, is unavailable and the team is weakened by his loss. However, the team hopes to do well.

The team is as follows:—
  • Singi Moral, the captain. He is a tireless player who scores well. Ralph Salt, a fast player, who is shooting well.
  • Terry Ryan and Ross Nelson. These two players are not as fast as they might be but both play sound basketball.
  • John McLevie and Dave Francis It will make a difference if these two guards both play well. John wants a bit more confidence in his shooting.
  • Noel Hamilton will play centre. He is a bit off form but should come right for Tournament.
  • Jim Ryan is a big player with good handling ability.