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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 17, No. 16 August 5, 1953

International Students' Evening

International Students' Evening

An inspiring attendance of over 70 people was registered at the Little Theatre on Wednesday evening, 15th. The programme was one of folk dances and songs. Two of the French numbers were interesting—"I have some tobacco but it's not for you." and "I have lost my cat and the neighbour has made a stew of if." French costumes were worn for this, and the place of origin of each was given. The version of "La Ronde" was perhaps the best-known to En-Zedders. Polish folk songs next, with the Polish national costumes glittering brilliantly Misses Stefania Manterys, Stefania [unclear: sendet], Maria Depozynsk, and Maria [unclear: uch] nowicz wore the latter.