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Salient. The Newspaper of Victoria University College. Vol. 19, No. 6. May 31, 1955

Gap is Being Felt

Gap is Being Felt

This does not necessarily mean that there will be more money in existence, because under the present system, while there is an expanding credit policy the gap is closed by debt-money. It is only when a restrictive credit policy is inaugurated that the gap begins to make itself, felt, as is happening in New Zealand at the present time.

To sum up, the Social Credit philosophy believes that the resources of nature, the knowledge and the skill of engineers and scientists and the capacity of our productive system are such that as Sir Winston Churchill said "the human race could have the swiftest expansion of material well-being that has ever been within their reach or even within their dreams. By material wellbeing I mean not only material abundance but a degree of leisure for the masses such as has never before been possible in our mortal struggle for life."

The main hindrance to our enjoyment of this possibility is an outworn, outmoded, man-made financial system which shackles our productive capacity to the limitations of a money supply which, has no real relation to the physical facts. No one in his right senses could pretend that a system which gives us booms and slumps, high prices demands for higher wages, poverty amidst plenty, hundreds upon hundreds of millions of debt and all the rest of the symptoms of our disordered life, has no fundamental fault. They are only two alternatives to the evils of our present chaos, the slave state of Communism or the democracy of a country freed from financial bondage.