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Salient. The Newspaper of Victoria University College. Vol. 19, No. 6. May 31, 1955

For Sale

For Sale

and was still there at 7 a.m. Unfortunately the ropes were loosened by the wind and rain and it didn't last beyond 7.30. Hard luck. Down at a low dive called the Majestic a hooligan, clad chiefly in cast off socks, called Jabie Bathgat collided with a tough, pneumatic Polak called Sinclairnowski. There was a quick Hurry of lists, a burst of blood-vessels, a Hash of steel and the thinner man lay writhing on the pavement. The other spat, picked up his knife, and went away. What would you have done?

The evening was just about over when a couple of girls were discovered making off with a sign which happens to be the only one advertising the House. They were introduced to our showering facilities; from what your correspondents gather they were dried in the House. What do you think?

The honours go to the valiant group who attracted the attention of their home-town paper—quoting from the "Wangnnui Chronicle" if they still print it—"Seizing on the topicality of the Police Force debate, students adorned Police Headquarters in Wellington with a sign reading 'Under new management. Business as usual.'" A good underhand Job carried out in good small hours.

At four o'clock the last activities were carried out with about 30 borrowed storm lamps which were festooned about certain girls hostels. To matrons who had to remove the Dental Hostel jobs from the balconies amid hoots of healthy girlish laughter we tender our apologies for what they are worth. We understand the Taj Mahal gloried in a brief association with the Salvation Army—we hope they salvaged what they wanted.