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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria University, Wellington N.Z. Vol. 22, No. 7. June 20, 1959

All Students

All Students

They are all students whose main purpose at University is to get further qualifications; they have to do essays, sit terms and pass final examinations and it is for this reason that executive work must, at times, take second place to study.

I have enjoyed my term as your president and the members of the executive with whom I worked, made it all the more enjoyable. They have all served the association well in their respective duties, and the way in which the officers of the association took over the extra work during the Capping period, when I was unfortunately in hospital, earned my sincerest thanks.

In conclusion may I wish the new executive well In what I know will be an extremely busy year and I trust that they will gain as much from their association with the executive, as I have gained from mine.